Hello and welcome back! It was super windy last night which made it really hard to sleep. Hopefully it will not last too much into today. Can you believe it's May tomorrow? May and June are jam packed with one thing happening right after the other. It will be July before I even know it. It's all good things though so we'll just enjoy the ride.
Until then here are last week's pictures:
Day 112- Monday, 4/22/19
Finally we have nice, spring, warm weather which is even warm enough for flip flops and cropped pants. Bella and I enjoyed a long evening walk soaking it all in. It's going to feel good to enjoy the outdoors this week.
Day 113- Tuesday, 4/23/19
It's always a nice surprise when Tyler sends me a picture. His Easter care package finally arrived a week after I sent it for 2-day delivery--Why?! I'm just glad to see he finally got it and is super thankful. In other news from UCLA they had a student come down with measles exposing those in two engineering buildings. Thankfully the school is on it and quarantined those that might have been exposed and could not show proof of being vaccinated to help prevent a full blown outbreak. Sadly this is a sign of the times that should not be happening in this day and age. No worries for Tyler though he was not exposed and is well vaccinated.
Yep! Still nice out and actually down right hot. Today I got to wear sunglasses and a sleeveless summer blouse on another beautiful evening walk.
Day 115- Thursday, 4/25/19
The flowers are loving the weather too and and I'm spending more time out in the backyard trimming them up and taking care of the pesky weeds.
Day 116- Friday, 4/26/19
Brandon has basketball practice on Friday nights and tonight as I was sitting in the car waiting to pick him up Justin popped over to say hi. He just got out of a gaming tournament he organized at the school. My kids are busy these days.
The garden wars have begun. I'm taking full advantage of the nice weather and putting in the time to tame my yard. I just had to start early in the day because it got too hot quick. That was ok though since Brandon had a late morning basketball game to attend. He was the tallest one on the team today so he got to do the jump off to start the game.
These two worked hard on chores today and helped with more yard clean up so after that one hit the kitchen for his go-to PB&J lunch and the other hit the couch for some screen time on his phone. It wasn't really a lazy Sunday but we did have a nice balance between work and downtime. Later it was Game of Thrones time and we are trying to stay on top of watching this season but it's on late and the episodes are extra long so we only made it through about an hr of the big battle. John has a 6 am flight to catch and I leave for work just before 6 the next day so we'll just have to watch the rest later. I wish it was on Saturday nights instead. I need a good night sleep before heading back to work on Monday mornings.
Ok that's it. We'll see you next week.