Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Week 38

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Here we are officially in fall and working through the last week in September. This time of year always goes really fast--Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years--BAM! Buckle up for the ride. I'm looking forward to the crispness in the air, fall colors everywhere and delicious apple or pumpkin treats before we hit the coldness and darkness of winter.  

For now let's just look at last week's picture as we prep for this nice gentle season:

Day 263- Monday, 9/20/21
I started off the week finding a few fall treasures to bring home and brighten up the place with.  Brandon started his week with school and when he comes home in the afternoon this is his got-to spot to check his messages before even taking his backpack off.  After he'll be off to the pantry for a snack.

Day 264- Tuesday, 9/21/21
Working from home today it's all about spreadsheets.  Time to get the data off a post-it note and into a real working document. Sadly there is very little time for that while in the lab so I usually have to get it done at home where I have less distractions.

Day 265- Wednesday, 9/22/21
Today was a busy day.  Now that students are back on campus we all have to go back to regular COVID testing.  This time it's every 2 weeks if vaccinated and I started today with the earliest appointment I could get to avoid crowds. Right after work I joined Tyler at his phlebotomy class where friends and family were invited to help students practice.  Lucky us!  Lupe and I were Tyler's subjects but it really wasn't that bad since he did a good job.  Later, tonight is the night we kick off the new season of Survivor where they are shaking things up like crazy.  I'm not sure if I like the changes so far or not but am happy to have new TV shows starting again.

Day 266- Thursday, 9/23/21
Happy 23rd Birthday to Tyler!  This picture was actually taken Sunday when we had more time to celebrate but I'm sticking it here to mark it on his real birthday. What did happen today for real was me spending most of my time in two different freezer farms where I'm purging old samples and re-organizing what we'll keep.  These rooms are always have kind of a creepy feel to them and for the most part I was in them all alone. Boo!

Day 267- Friday, 9/24/21
TGIF!  Cheers to the weekend.  We're both ready to end this work week and move on to a more fun and relaxed state.

Day 268- Saturday, 9/25/21
Time for dinner and a movie.  It's been awhile so we really enjoyed our good Italian meal and action packed Marvel movie.

Day 269- Sunday, 9/26/21
Unfortunately just before Sunday dinner prep I had to take Rusty in for and emergency vet visit because he was clearly uncomfortable and straining to pee.  The wait at UC Davis was an expected 4 hrs when I called so we went to a place in Sacramento instead and were in and out in just under 2 hrs.  It still seemed like forever having to wait in the car the whole time while they cared for our kitty, but Rusty is ok.  It turned out to be a UTI and thankfully not a blockage which would have been way more serious especially for a male cat.  When we returned home the pizzas I planned for were made and Sunday dinner with birthday celebrations for Tyler continued.  At least it all ended on a happy and fun note.

Wait!  One more--

September's Family Photo 

Taken at half-time during the 49'er game just after Sunday dinner and before enjoying some ice cream cake.

OK--all done.  See you Next week in October!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Week 37

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  I've noticed the days are getting shorter as we head into fall.  When I leave for work now it's dark and later I'm racing to get the dog walked after dinner before it becomes dark again. It's ok though because I'm liking the change. Last week was so much cooler with average temps in the 80s instead of 90s and 100s like we've been seeing, so bring it on!  I think most of us here are over summer. Also school for the undergrads in Davis is back in-person which is weird after a year of having them gone. Campus is so crowded and there is so much traffic now that they've moved back in.  Yikes!  I think the university upped their student population too like most UCs have, but with Davis being a smaller city it's almost too much for the town to accommodate. We're all hoping things settle down once the excitement of the return wears off.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 256- Monday, 9/13/21

Thankfully I started this crazy work week with a calming and pretty cloud-filled sunrise towering over the building as I entered.  Later back at home as the sun was setting we enjoyed an orange chicken dinner over rice--one of Brandon's favorites.

Day 257- Tuesday, 9/14/21

I'm working from home today getting the safety and training books updated.  I also had to merge my old retired lab's records and protocols with my new lab's documents plus change the building and room numbers on everything--not a small task. Rusty wasn't too thrilled about the whole process either especially since I took up the entire floor of the room he usually sleeps in and he just couldn't relax with the chaos.  Him and the dog kept checking in on me.  LOL!  Gotta love concerned and supportive pets.

Day 258- Wednesday, 9/15/21

These heart-shaped fall leaves were lit up in the sunshine out back.  They always turn color in an interesting patterned way that creates a cool effect.  And then there are the scorched roses that just couldn't take the intense heat last week.  Somehow I can still see the beauty in them even if I do prefer the fresh and vibrant ones.  This one reminds me of the rose in Beauty and the Beast.

Day 259- Thursday, 9/16/21

I worked on campus all day starting to clean out freezers and then made it home just in time for a 5pm zoom meeting.  At least it was a fun one where we got to watch students present their vet school summer projects supported by Global Programs.  They all had to make videos to show and they were very creative and great to see.  In a world where they couldn't travel globally like they had all planned originally their unique adaptations to still make their projects work by virtually connecting with international support teams was inspiring.

Day 260- Friday, 9/17/21

Friday night lights right here as I work the football snack bar.  It was a perfect fall night that was not too hot, no wind, and pleasant to be out in.  It's great to see the high school come alive again even if it means wearing masks at all events inside and out.  We have to prevent those brake-through infections in the vaccinated and help prevent more infections for those not vaccinated.  Hopefully someday soon masks will be a thing of the past.

Day 261- Saturday, 9/18/21

Yay for Season 2 of The Worlds Most Amazing Vacation Rentals on Netfix!  Totally binge-watched while paying bills and folding laundry. Much to my surprise a villa at one of the wineries we visited in the Santa Barbara area was highlighted.  We also happen to be currently working through one of their bottles of wine.  What are the odds?  We never actually saw the villa which was closed due to the pandemic but had our tasting in a nearby courtyard of an outhouse on the property.  I didn't even know this amazing villa existed until the show.  Later, Bella and I enjoyed a breezy cool walk.  A storm is brewing as you can see from the active cloudy sky looming over our neighborhood street.  There is a slight chance of rain expected overnight but once again not much or nearly enough to even matter.  Still--I'm so much happier seeing these types of healthy skies over those smokey orange skies that make me feel ill.

Day 262- Sunday, 9/19/21 

This guy right here got all the rain.  Yep- it was mostly north of us and it dumped where he's at school.  Love how he likes to make people laugh and also how he's been exchanging wildlife pictures with my dad.  I promised him a few pictures of Rusty in exchange for him sharing his pictures with me.  Win-win!

That's it for another week.  Hope to see you back next Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Week 36

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Well, it was short lived, but we did actually get a little bit of rain last week, the fires are still burning but more contained so those in Tahoe evacuated can go back home, and we have had almost a full week of blue skies--just a few things to be thankful for.  Now if we can just get the temps down so it feels more like fall, end this pandemic, and get this annoying recall election over with we'll be set.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 249- Monday, 9/6/21
Happy Labor Day!  We had a nice relaxing holiday ending with a good BBQ.  John made yummy cheese-stuffed burgers.

Day 250- Tuesday, 9/7/21
The afternoon backlighting was making this yellow beauty shine out front so it caught my eye as I left for a Booster's snack bar shift.  Last year there were no snack bars allowed so it's good to have them back for the club even if I'm not a huge fan of working them.  Only 15 more required hours to go, but hey, it's my last year so I can do it.

Day 251- Wednesday, 9/8/21
It's been a really hot week and we even broke a record today.  I surly felt it on the evening walk and throughout the night especially with no breeze to help cool things down.

Day 252- Thursday, 9/9/21
Wow!  We have clouds in the sky for the first time in forever and thunderstorms expected.  The sunrise I got to see near Davis this morning was amazing and we did actually get a some good rain with lightening later overnight.  The clouds didn't really cool the temps down but this pool-pump hose-blowout got me good and helped some.  I had to run out under the spray of water to turn the pump off and had an umbrella which did protect my head but not so much my pants and back.  At least it felt nice a cool and didn't really take long to dry in the heat.

Day 253- Friday, 9/10/21
I found these cute treats that are good for our old girl's joints and I think she's a fan.  LOL!  Total Pavlov's dog right here.   She can't help but turn on the drool machine anytime she sees a treat.  Cue the mop!  Then out on our walk it's still hot and seems strange to be wearing flipflops among fall leaves although these leaves are more brown from baking in the heat than from turning colors because of a season change.  It's not nearly cold enough for good fall color yet even if the dead leaves give us a fall feel.

Day 254- Saturday, 9/11/21
Today was senior picture day for Brandon.  Boys are so easy.  We were in and out in like 10 minutes and then enjoyed a nice cool treat together after.  Next up will be starting those college applications.  This year is going to fly by quick.

Day 255- Sunday, 9/12/21
First up was an early morning Target run to stock up on food for the pets and grab a few things for the game.  Meanwhile Tyler and Lupe came over and made us chorizo and eggs with fresh pressed corn tortillas.  Brunch was really good and I can't believe I missed getting a picture.  Oh well, next time.  I did snap a shot of these guys enjoying the game later though.  We were happy to have Uncle Raul join us and then to be able and visit with Aunty Wendy for a bit when she came to pick him up after the game.  Everyone was happy for a good win.

That's it!  See you next week.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Week 35

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Now that it's September and school is well on it's way it truly feels like summer is coming to an end.  I just wish we had a better summer without an extreme drought and excessive fires.  We didn't even get to go camping.  I guess we'll just have to hope and pray for a calmer summer next year.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 242- Monday, 8/30/21

Time to kick off the work week.  I have a lot of cultures to care for right now and when I'm not in the lab I'm doing computer work here in my cubicle and even have a name plate now.

Day 243- Tuesday, 8/31/21

These fires are insane and one of our go-to to ski resorts in Tahoe got hit pretty hard overnight.  They used their snow making machines to help save most their structures which was smart.  Now South Lake Tahoe is in danger.  We can't help but watch and listen for updates (fire photo credits Getty/Reuters).  It was also just one of those days where cereal was what I had for dinner. 

Day 244- Wednesday, 9/1/21

Today the winds shifted and blew the smoke north out of the valley so for the first time in months we actually had beautiful blue skies.  Sadly the wind shift is blowing the fires closer to Tahoe so unfortunately our blue skies are not good for them.  Also happy September!  LOL--Bella was not cooperating today so this was the best shot we got, but it's all good because I kind of love it.

Day 245- Thursday, 9/2/21

It is September after all--found this nice fall leaf but I think it's more brown and dead from the drought and poor air quality than the change of seasons.

Day 246- Friday, 9/3/21

TGIF!  Toasting to the start of a nice long weekend and then relaxing while watching a new Netflix movie that had a good twist at the end.

Day 247- Saturday, 9/4/21

I started the day at a slow pace getting in my morning coffee while it was still dark and quiet, then progressed to chores banging those out so we could head out later to meet up later with friends for some good food and drinks at the Noshery in Roseville.  That mud pie was insanely HUGE!

Day 248- Sunday, 9/5/21

Today was a perfect day you try a new local winery we have heard a lot about but haven't had a chance to visit yet.  They have a great set up in an open-air barn with a lot of outdoor seating and a variety of good wines.

That's it!  See you next week.