Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Week 12

I know you're getting sick of hearing about the rain but it's really dominating our lives lately and we can't seem to escape it.  We had some seriously crazy storms all last week, but I'm happy to report that this coming week has nothing but sunshine and warm temps in the forecast.  WooHoo!  Bring on spring--it is the end of March after all.  I'm ready to break out the capris, short sleeves, and flip flops.

Now for last weeks photos:

Day 78- Saturday, 3/19/11
We discovered the Family Channel had a Harry Potter marathon running which was the perfect thing to watch on this awful rainy day.  We were stuck in the cold, dark house listening to howling wind and pounding rain anyway so we made the best of it by popping some corn and lighting a fire to watch movie after movie of wizarding fun.

Day 79- Sunday, 3/20/11
Thank goodness John left his March Madness trip in Tahoe a day early and got out when the getting was good.  The roads to and from the Sierras were closed most of today so he would have been stuck there otherwise.  We're happy to have him safely home and making us a nice Sunday brunch.

Day 80- Monday, 3/21/11
Here at work I've been doing a lot of gel extractions for gene sequencing on our bugs which means a lot of time spent at this little centrifuge spinning, and spinning, and more spinning.

Day 81- Tuesday, 3/22/11
Today was a very big day for Tyler.  He received his Black Belt in karate and we're so proud.  It has been 5 1/2 years in the making and I think he thought it would never happen.  He's come a long way from the shy, scared, little 2nd grader who cried at the thought of participating in his first class.  He's now in 7th grade and thanks to karate is so much more confident, coordinated, balanced, disciplined and a great leader. This isn't the best picture but it's the only one with his senseis (Mr & Mrs Saxton) so I think it's one of the most important.

Day 82- Wednesday, 3/23/11 
Justin is typing up his mission report.  He's been really good about getting it done without complaining, but it's soooo painful to watch because it can take him up to 30 min just to bang out one paragraph.   I have to really restrain myself from jumping in there and quickly typing it up for him, but I know he'll never learn that way, and we are seeing improvement as he progresses from one paragraph to the next so I just have to let him muddle through it.  Thank goodness it's only a 5 paragraph report!

Day 83- Thursday, 3/24/11
Rain, rain, and more rain!  It's been a terribly stormy week--way more like winter than spring.  We even lost power at work twice today forcing me to head home early.  Aside from this picture showing the heavy spray-like rain hitting my kitchen window at the moment, I also like that it shows the flowering bush outside as a sign that spring really does exist, that it shows how dark the house is during these storms, and that it shows the daily mess that piles up on this built-in desk.  I have the hardest time keeping this one surface clear.

Day 84- Friday, 3/25/11
I had the day off from work for Cesar Chavez Day (he fought for the rights of Calif migrant workers) but the kids still had school so it was the perfect day for me to get some shopping done.  I barely finished in time to pick everyone up at the end of the day and they were quite impressed with my haul ;0)  Unfortunately most of it is for them and not me--new shoes, a shirt and tie, birthday presents, patio cushions, art supplies, and even a little something for the dog.

See you next week!


  1. LOVED your photos from this week!! I really enjoy your blog!! Please send some rain our way, I LOVE the rain, we always lean to dryer weather here in South Africa :)

  2. Ah, love the pic of the bags in the back! The kids' expressions are priceless!

    Hope you have a great week! :)

  3. Congrats on the black belt, that's quite the accomplishment!

  4. WOW, a black belt! That's incredibly impressive! And I just love that picture of the rain on your kitchen window. So so cool.
