Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 16

Happy Tuesday!  We just wrapped up a fun spring-break week.  It was nice to unwind and reconnect.  There were no big plans just a lot of family time which is exactly what we needed.  The weather wasn't very spring like, but we still made the most of it.  Now we're back to work and school and already counting the days until our next break.  Only 7 weeks left until school is out for the summer and we can go on a real vacation to Bryce Canyon, UT with a stop over in Las Vegas, NV.  Can't wait! 

Here's last week's pictures-

Day 106- Saturday, 4/16/11
This is the best way to kick off a break--with good friends and good drinks.  Sharon and her family came over for a BBQ and we let the good times roll.

Day 107- Sunday, 4/17/11
Nerf gun target practice with Star Wars Galactic Heroes.

Day 108- Monday, 4/18/11
Poor Tyler is the only one who actually had homework over break.  He was great about getting it done though.  I love it when I don't have to nag!

Day 109- Tuesday, 4/19/11
Today I took the boys to see the movie Hop which put us all in the mood for Easter and some chocolate bunnies to munch.

Day 110- Wednesday, 4/20/11
One of my main goals for break was to get our tomatoes in the ground and it was rough with the weather but in between storms I managed to do some gardening and even got a glimpse of the sun.

Day 111- Thursday, 4/21/11
John has the next couple days off so we decided to get out of the house and do something fun.  Bowling was at the top of the list.

Day 112- Friday, 4/22/11
Another family fun day.  This time we're at Scandia for mini-golf, arcade games, and race cars.  It was overcast but still warm enough for a good time.

That's all folks! 
Thanks for stopping by and see you next week.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 15

We're officially on spring break so everyone gets to breathe a little easier and life can slow down a bit.  We still have swim practice but we're getting used to that and have a system down that seems to work well.  No huge plans for our break just some fun here and there with a bunch of downtime which is fine by all of us.

Enjoy last week's pictures-

Day 99- Saturday, 4/9/11
John picked up some fillet mignon and is prepping them for the grill by wrapping in bacon.  Yum!  We'll eat good tonight!

Day 100- Sunday, 4/10/11
It's a relaxing Sunday morning on the couch with the paper and my little guy.  He's checking out toy ads just to see what's new.

Day 101- Monday, 4/11/11
I made a run to Big 5 sporting goods store to pick up some new goggles for my new swimmers.  The chlorine in the practice pool is really strong and bothers their eyes so good fitting goggles are a must.

Day 102- Tuesday, 4/12/11
Brandon has an easy homework week.  Every night all he has to do is play a game with his family and tonight he chose Toy Story 3 Operation.  Too bad after he heard the buzzer a couple times he got scared and was done.  Justin used to be terrified of this game's buzz noise too but finally got overt it and helped Brandon realize it isn't so bad.

Day 103- Wednesday, 4/13/11
Just hanging out at work.  Bench 14 is where all the action happens for me.  I set up serology tests here, work in the fume hood here, and my desk is at the end of the bench here.

Day 104- Thursday, 4/14/11
My littlest fish.  I think he's enjoying swim team the most right now.  His practices are only 1/2 hr because of his age while the older two practice for a full hr at a time and they are still getting used to how much work it really is.

Day 105- Friday, 4/15/11
The ladybug larvae have really grown and soon should be turning into pupa before they transform into ladybugs.  Brandon loves to check on them multiple times a day.

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next week.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Week 14

As if our life wasn't crazy enough--all 3 of my boys have joined the swim team this year and practice has officially started.  Talk about a juggling act!  I hope as time goes on it will get a little easier or at least more familiar and just become part of our routine because right now its turning our world upside down.  I know swim team will be a good and positive experience, but it will also take some getting used to.  Be prepared for lots of swim pictures in weeks to come as this will dominate our lives for at least the next few months.

Now for last week's pictures before the craziness really took off-

Day 92- Saturday, 4/02/11
I went rug shopping at Lowe's today and think this one will do the trick.  The colors are perfect for tying the new pieces of furniture together in our living room.  Currently we have too much open carpet space and could use a good colorful rug.

Day 93- Sunday, 4/03/11
Justin is finally finished with his San Luis Obispo de Tolosa mission model.  He worked hard all weekend and I think everyone in the family is happy to have it done.  The kids get to show them off at the school's open house on Tuesday.

Day 94- Monday, 4/04/11
We're at swim trials.  It looks nice and sunny out but was actually pretty cold.  Good thing the pool is heated or my kids would never get in.

Day 95- Tuesday, 4/05/11
It's open house at Bridgeway Island school and Brandon is so happy to be here mainly so he could eat the cookie he decorated earlier today.  He's a total cookie monster and the stinker didn't even share!

Day 96- Wednesday, 4/06/11
Yep!  It's spring, and Brandon received his ladybug larvae in the mail today.  He was so excited and can't wait to watch them grow so he can eventually release them in our yard.  He calls them his little buddies ;0)

Day 97- Thursday, 4/07/11
Happy Birthday John!  I totally have 4 boys and not just 3.  He was super excited to get a new Nerf gun so he can keep up with his kids.  Nerf battles are a regular thing in this house and these guns continue to get more and more complicated which means frequent upgrades.

Day 98- Friday, 4/08/11
Here's the new rug in our living space and Bella think we bought it just for her ;0)  She also had a birthday yesterday and is now 2 yrs old.  What a good girl!

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next week.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Week 13

It's been an absolutely beautiful spring week.  This is what I'm talking about!  We were even blessed with a couple 80 degree days and loved every minute of it.  It's amazing how much a change in weather can change your mood.  One thing that hasn't changed though is how busy we are as you will see.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 85- Saturday, 3/26/11
  Our new sectional, ordered back in January, finally arrived and fits perfectly in our home.  It's so comfy and spacious.  Of course I had to run out and get a couple new lamps and side tables as well--next week maybe a new area rug ;0)

Day 86- Sunday, 3/27/11
Our family took a field trip to Sonoma so Justin could visit a real mission and get extra credit for his mission project in 4th grade.  It was actually a fun little trip.  We explored the mission, walked around the town, marveled at Sonoma's quaint central park, and ate some yummy BBQ for lunch all while dodging raindrops (see how dark and cloudy it was)--but this is the last of the rain for a bit.

Day 87- Monday, 3/28/11
Bye-bye rain, hello sunshine!  Spring has finally sprung.  Look at the beautiful blue sky and the tree outside our kitchen in bloom.  Love this intense pink color against the soft pale blue.

Day 88- Tuesday, 3/29/11
Tyler's basketball team won the middle school championship for our city.  The boys had to fight hard.  It was a nail-biter, but they worked well together and pulled it off.  They were playing the only team that beat them during the regular season so they had something to prove.  That's Tyler standing in the back.  The trophy's almost as big as he is!

Day 89- Wednesday, 3/30/11
After work I took to the kitchen and banged out a Sonic cake for our family and some cake pops Justin could take to school for his birthday tomorrow.  The cake pops were a big hit with his class but a lot more work than I expected.

Day 90- Thursday, 3/31/11
Today is Justin's 10th birthday.  It's hard to believe I now have 2 kids in the double digits and look how this child is thriving.  He came home from the hospital 10 yrs ago as a tiny 5 lb, full-term baby with an iron will.  Parenting him has taught me patience, understanding, acceptance, and respect for those living in a sensory sensitive world.

Day 91- Friday, 4/01/11
John was not thrilled at the idea of helping with my monthly marker so I enlisted the dog since her birthday is also in April.  Bella will be 2 next week and was pleased to cooperate for the price of a Cheez-it ;0)  Can you tell how badly she wants that silly little cracker?

 And just when you thought we were done . . .

March's Family Photo:

This was taken in the courtyard at the California mission in Sonoma on our little family field trip.  One of these pictures in the future will actually include a smile from my oldest son--that's my goal anyway. 

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next week.