Welcome back and here we are in September already. August seemed like a really long month. Maybe it was because there was so much going on. I just wish September didn't mean the end of summer. I do love fall, but I'm not quite ready for summer to be over yet which why we are still trying to pack as many summer activities in as we can.
Here's the last week in pictures to prove it :
Day 237- Monday, 8/25/14
It's back to afternoon homework for the boys. Brandon has his snacks and a homework buddy to help although I'm not sure if she's really helping or distracting.
Day 238- Tuesday, 8/26/14
The new high-school water-polo season is now underway, and today was the first home game. It was just a scrimage but still a game none-the-less and much needed practice. We need to get these boys working as a team again. They're lucky they play a water sport and get to be in the pool instead of running around on some field in this heat. It still feels very much like summer with temps close to 100 expected all week.
Day 239- Wednesday, 8/27/14
Here are just a few of Tyler's books for the 1st semester of his junior year. He has a full load and a couple of really demanding classes. I have a feeling he'll be spending a great deal of the next few months with his nose in a book and when he's not there he'll be in the water with the polo team. Such a busy kid!
The sky was so pretty and amazing today. The first shot was at sunrise in Davis up on the 5th floor in our lab building, and the second shot was at sunset in West Sacramento out the back of our house.
Day 241- Friday, 8/29/14
TGIF! Justin is happy to be done with school for the week and is looking forward to a long holiday weekend so he can spend more time playing with Rusty. We're still waiting on his new glasses. These ones are so bent out of shape and done. Hopefully new ones will come in next week.
I've been meaning to drag out the ice-cream maker all summer and just never got around to it, so since we're all home this long weekend and it's super hot out ice-cream it is! Brandon helped me make the first batch--fresh strawberry. Yum! We also made a batch of s'mores ice-cream and York peppermint patty ice-cream. I bought more heavy whipping cream than I needed so we still have to make one more batch and cookies and cream has been requested.
We're squeezing in as many bike rides as we can get before the weather changes. I love it when there is a 3-day weekend and Sunday feels more like a Saturday. Today we had time to ride bikes, BBQ, night swim, and gather around the fire pit to make s'mores. Summer's going out with a bang!
That's it! Have fun wrapping up your summer and hopefully I'll see you next week.

That ice cream looks amazing! Sounds like you all are ending summer with a bang! Seeing all of Tyler's school books makes me not miss high school at all. It is nice getting back into a schedule though. My oldest just started preschool today. I'm sure she'll be doing homework before I can blink.
ReplyDeleteBusy busy!! Those are a lot of textbooks! We officially begin tomorrow!!!
ReplyDeleteLove your sunrise and sunset shots. Your ice cream looks extra yum! I am impressed! Hope you enjoy the water polo season, my girls are the ones running in the hot fields :) Miss A is also a junior and has a lot of the same books as Tyler. Busy kids! Have a great week!
ReplyDeleteMan, all those text books make me so happy that my high school days are way behind me!
ReplyDeleteThat ice cream looks delicious, and I bet the York peppermint patty one was super good.
Hopefully life will slow down just a little bit for you! :)