Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Week 21

Welcome back and happy Tuesday. I hope everyone had a nice Memorial Day weekend.  That extra day off sure was nice and now we can look forward to a short week ahead and the official start of summer break here.  It finally feels like summer with the crazy wind gone and the hotter temps. Yesterday was 95!  But that's ok because I'm ready for the heat and don't mind it so much.

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 141- Monday, 5/21/18
I was feeling the love today.  First my coffee had a foam heart and then I found a random heart mark at the top of the stairs heading into work.  All good signs and a great way to start the week.

Day 142- Tuesday, 5/22/18
This is another medication to help with stomach acid that Bella gets wrapped in cheese and you can see she likes this one way better than the one in the syringe we were giving her last week.  Thank goodness she's done with the syringe one, and she has finally made a turn for the better with pretty much no more vomiting.  Later she set next to Brandon as he watched a Warrior games to help support him through the nail-biting loss.

Day 143- Wednesday, 5/23/18
We have our first baby tomato and plenty more flowers that will hopefully mean more tomatoes to come.  Justin can't wait for homemade salsa.  He wants to learn how it's done this year.

Day 144- Thursday, 5/24/18
Taco Tuesday didn't happen because of a fundraising dinner but we were able to pull off tacos for tonight and Brandon was a happy boy.  He's half way through his second and has a third lined up and ready to go.

Day 145- Friday, 5/25/18
After school and work we grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the theater to see Solo on it's release date.  That hardly ever happens for us but glad we could make it happen today.  It sure was great fun to see this back story.  There are so many good movies out right now and more to come.  Gotta love summer blockbuster season.

Day 146- Saturday, 5/26/18
Time for an adult night out with Sharon and Richie.  We started with fresh-mex at Midtown's Cantina Alley where we had great food and some fancy drinks.  Then we ended with more drinks at Punch Bowl Social in the DOCO (downtown commons) area by the new arena.  Good times as always with these two.

Day 147- Sunday, 5/27/18
I was out in the yard most of the day pruning some more and also admiring the flowers in bloom--love this color combination and intricate detail.  Hopefully one more weekend and I'll be all done getting the yard in shape to enjoy for summer fun.  I'm like 90% there but just couldn't finish it this weekend because it's a jungle out there.

Wait!  One more--

May's Family Photo

This was taken just after opening our pool for the season.  It was a perfect day for it too because it was in the mid 90's so an uncovered, cleaned pool was a welcomed treat.  For next month's picture we'll have Tyler back.  Only 3 more weeks!

Now we're done!  Thanks for stopping by and see you next week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Week 20

Welcome back and happy Tuesday.  There's 3-day weekend coming which is much needed and then a short week before school is out for this year.  Now if the weather would just hold so we can have a nice sunny weekend without rain or wind then we'll be set. 

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 134- Monday, 5/14/18
It's Warrior Nation here as the conference finals start.  John and Brandon watched together and were happy for a win.  Great way to start and now they just need to keep it going.

Day 135- Tuesday, 5/15/18
Bella is still having tummy issues and was given this oral medication to help coat her stomach and protect it from further damage.  She gets it 3x a day and as you can see she's not a big fan.

Day 136- Wednesday, 5/16/18
Not a great day for a thunderstorm and a lot of rain.  At least it only happened for a few hours in the morning and then the sun came out and things dried up just in time for our staff picnic.  They brought in 18 different food trucks for us to choose from.  I picked the Bacon Mania one and got these fries covered in mac and cheese with bacon on top--nice, warm, comfort food after the wet cold start to the day.

Day 137- Thursday, 5/17/18
More work stuff.  Today was our annual departmental awards reception and I received the staff award for the year which is a great honor.  It's nice to be recognized and I'm so fortunate to have worked for so many years with so many wonderful people in a department that has allowed me to accomplish goals that actually have a positive impact on this world.

Day 138- Friday- 5/18/18
Rusty was playing on the stairs with me when I snapped this shot.  I love that pattern on his head.  Brandon calls it his crown--an intricate beautiful crown.  Later on Justin was having a hard time deciding which chocolate to choose.  He already has one in his mouth and thinks that I might let him have another.  Ha--nope!  Back off kid, they are mine.  With Rusty's picture up there above his it looks like Rusty is eyeing a piece too ;0)

Day 139- Saturday, 5/19/18
I recorded the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle because it was way too early for me to watch live and Brandon actually watched it with me latter today.  He had all kinds of question which is great.  I love his curious mind. The other great thing about a recording was that we could fast forward through the boring parts and get through it much faster.  It was fun and exciting to watch but there was way too much unnecessary extra coverage.  Someone else had a formal event today and that would be Tyler.  His fraternity had their formal in Oceanside and I was lucky enough to actually get a couple pictures.  I know nothing about his date and only just found out about the event this morning! But I will get the detail later for sure.

Day 140- Sunday, 5/20/18
Must be Sunday because we're banging out the chores.  I'm juggling laundry and yard work which seems counterproductive but it's all gotta get done.  Meanwhile the Brandon and John are giving Bella a bath.  She's not a fan of that either but it was needed and now she's soft, clean, fluffy and smells so much better.  We think she's finally starting to feel better too.

That's it for another week.  See you on the flip side.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Week 19

Happy Tuesday and welcome back! It's such a nice time of year with better weather, blooming flowers and summer vacation looming.  I like May a lot.  Even at work it's the calm before the storm because summers are usually when we kick it in high gear for research projects since students have more free time to work in the lab. It's going to be a productive next couple of months for sure.

As for now here are last week's pictures:

Day 127- Monday, 5/7/18
I'm starting the week off with a beautiful fragrant flower.  This is a citronella plant by our pool--perfect for keeping those mosquitoes at bay and it's evergreen plus sports these beautiful pink flowers in the spring and early summer.  I need to trim and sprout more starter plants for other places to plant them in the yard.

Day 128- Tuesday, 5/8/18
It's just me, my pets, and I today.  I usually have a couple boys with me for the annual vet visit but couldn't get an appointment when they were out of school so yeah--all kinds of fun right here.  5 hours and $1000 later we got to leave.  Ugh!  Bella has still been throwing up on occasion so they wanted an ultrasound which for a dog means sedation which takes time and for a large dog big money all pretty much for piece of mind.  Her blood work looks good, her ultrasound looks good, the biopsy on a lump on her leg is clean so she's pretty much making a huge mess of our carpets right now for no good reason.  Ack!  Hopefully it passes soon.  The cat by the way is totally good aside from being stressed because he's away from home and stuck in a box for hours on end.  They actually did let me kennel him so he had water and a litter box during our long wait.

Day 129- Wednesday, 5/9/18
This kid comes home and has a habit of laying in all the walkways.  Even Rusty is like, "What are you doing here on the floor like that!  It's my thing."  *sigh*  He's pretty exhausted form prepping for AP exams coming up and end-of-year huge projects.  Plus he's kind of freaking out over being a senior next year.  Guess what kid?--me too!

Day 130- Thursday, 5/10/18
Nice and easy ravioli for dinner tonight.  Brandon, my pasta boy, is a happy camper.  Justin who hates pasta would pretty much rather have anything else.  Can't please them all!

Day 131- Friday, 5/11/18
These two are so happy it's Friday and Rusty is pretty much over this week as well  That marathon vet visit on Tuesday did both the pet in for the whole week.  Brandon, he's just over school already and is so into summer being here ASAP! Next year, at the high school, no more uniforms for him or anyone in this family anymore!!!  Yay!

Day 132- Saturday, 5/12/18
This morning was Brandon's last basketball game for his current team and he's ready to sub in.  We do have a couple more basketball camps lined up for him at the start of summer and will be looking for more until school starts in the fall.  Later in the evening it was all about a nice, refreshing, Aperol, grapefruit drink and a so-so movie.  Pitch Pefect 1 and 2 were way better than 3.  Oh well!  Still a good way to unwind and relax.

Day 133- Sunday, 5/13/18
Happy Mother's Day!  These two boys and their dad spoiled me with a homemade breakfast, car cleaning overhaul, a pretty flowering bush I can plant in the yard, the best hand-drawn sentimental cards ever, and a yummy steak dinner complete with brownie ice-cream dessert.  I was so missing my college boy who won't be home for another month, but he did at least check in to wish me a good day.  My mother's heart if full and thank you to my hubby for helping pulling it all together and showing the boys how to truly represent their love and respect.

That's all for this week!  Hope everyone else had a fantastic Mother's Day weekend.  Bring on the next holiday.  Good thing Labor Day is right around the corner.  I'm so ready ;0)

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Week 18

Hello again and happy Tuesday!  Last week was a fun one or at least it had a fun ending.  The kids are getting pretty excited about the end of school and start of summer.  They have a lot of work and tests coming up though so it's stressful but will make time go by fast.  Me, I'm just trying to find things for them to do all summer while I'm at work. So far we have basketball camp lined up, tennis club to revisit, and cross country conditioning to start.  Hopefully we'll be able to escape somewhere fun as well and to a cooler place getting out of the summer heat.

As for right now here are last week's pictures:

Day 120- Monday, 4/30/18
Rusty has transitioned from napping in Tyler's empty room to napping in the cave on Brandon's bed and this makes Brandon happy.  He likes that Rusty enjoys the blanket cave and now when we're not sure where to find him we know where to look first.

Day 121- Tuesday, 5/1/18
Happy May Day! It totally helps that many of the weeds are gone in this yard so my May flowers can shine.  I welcome this new month and am looking forward to enjoying the last bit of spring.

Day 122- Wednesday, 5/2/18
I've been working on getting back in shape before summer by watching what I eat and being more active.  This Simply Fit Board is a nice way to get a workout in while watching TV.  I'm usually on it while Ellen is on in the afternoons.

Day 123- Thursday, 5/3/18
There is nothing better than coming home from school to some fresh baked cookies and since the school days are numbered I thought I'd fit in one last batch.  Brandon helped me make them and Justin helped him eat them ;0)

Day 124- Friday, 5/4/18
May the 4th be with you!  I bought these pancake molds 5 yrs ago and used them once so I thought it would be fun to pull them out again for a Star Wars pancake dinner tonight but quickly realized why I rarely use them.  They are not user friendly at all.  I was able to get one good shaped cake per kid and the rest were pretty much just a bunch of failed pieces.  Oh well-it was a good thought and try.  Never again--LOL!

Day 125- Saturday, 5/5/18
So many fun and yummy days in a row!  Good thing I've been working that fit board.  Cheers to Cinco de Mayo!  Aside from margaritas we had a grand taco feast.  Yum!

Day 126- Sunday, 5/6/18
Time to see the new Avengers movie.  It was a great one to see for kicking off the summer movie blockbuster season.  Next up will be Solo. 

That's it!  See you next week.