Welcome back and happy Friday! That's right, I'm a few days late because we were enjoying a camping trip in the Tahoe area so I was off the grid for a few days and am still trying to play catch-up since my return. It was great fun though and a good way to just escape and enjoy being a complete family again. We didn't get to camp last year so this was at the top of the summer bucket list for the kids this year. Thankfully we squeezed it in first thing. Now let's get back to last week's happenings.
Here's a look at those pictures:
Day 169- Monday 6/18/18
Brandon started basketball camp in Davis led by the college team there so he'll be my fellow commuter all week which also means my hours have to change a bit.
Day 170- Tuesday, 6/19/18
It's taco Tuesday and the vultures are circling--even the cat is in there hoping to find an opportunistic drop or two.
Day 171- Wednesday, 6/20/18
Some how it became all about the pets today. I can't get over how white the fur on Bella's paw is now, but it makes a cool design especially when seen from across the room. Later I bent down to pet Rusty laid out on the stairs and he was intrigued by the ties on my shirt. Even in this heat he can muster up some playfulness which is impressive for a lazy cat and fun to see.
Day 172- Thursday, 6/21/18
After being at camp for 7 hrs in Davis I had Brandon grabbed a quick dinner and then we headed to Elk Grove for a late basketball game with his West Sac team. While waiting for him to finish with the coaches after-game talk I took a selfie for national selfie day. This is one tired mama waiting for one tired kid so we can end this super long day. I think we finally got home just after 9 pm.
Day 173- Friday, 6/22/18
TGIF! Justin helped out at tennis for the younger kids today and got a new shirt from last summer's tennis club. He said it was nice to see coach Dave and may do it again next week. Then John made Tahiti Tea drinks to help kick off the weekend and fondly remember our time in the Tahitian islands exactly one year ago. I can't believe it's already been a year and I wish I was back there again right now!
Day 174- Saturday, 6/23/18
We were well over the 100 degree mark today and it was HOT! At least it made for a perfect night swim. The boys love this part of summer.
Day 175- Sunday, 6/24/18
I'm hoping today will be cooler so I started my day with a donut and ice coffee by the pool to help me think cool thoughts and it worked because a good breeze blew in and we had a much better day. The plants are all happy about that too especially some of my newer plants that are just babies like this little lily. It's small flowers are fragile and will just fry in the summer sun which gratefully did not happen today. It looks fresh and happy with a new sprinkle of water.
That's it for now. Check back next week to see out camping fun and for the start of a new month. Where did June go?!
Love the looks of those drinks! Have a great weekend!