Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Week 46

Welcome back and happy Tuesday.  What a week last week was!  I'm exhausted and am happy to be on break this week. I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. Thankfully we had already been invited to spend it with friends because banking on our remodel being done on time was risky.  Sure enough our appliances that were confirmed to be delivered yesterday got cancelled at the last minute for no good reason and now we won't see them until maybe Saturday. Huge bummer and quite upsetting actually but everything else will be done and waiting for them to simply be popped into place. By the way, this week starts the 4th week of renovation.  Please let it end soon! Everyone's patience here is wearing thin.

Until then here are last week's pictures-

Day 317- Monday, 11/12/18
Happy Veteran's Day and thank you to those that serve to protect our country.  The kids and I are home today so for the first time in many years I made my way to the laundry mat to get some clothes cleaned.  I think the last time I did that was during college years and I don't miss it one bit.  Afterwards I took the kids to a movie to get them out of the construction zone and we saw Disney's Nutcracker which was a great way to spark that holiday spirit.  Thankfully it was not too girly or too musical and was action packed and visually stimulating enough for the boys. 

Day 318- Tuesday, 11/13/18
During Justin's last cross country run a couple weeks ago they honored the seniors but because it was a far away meet I could not go.  He did bring home the sign leadership made for him today to show me though so I snapped a picture of this senior milestone.  Later Rusty and I were more than happy to relax after a trying day.  Just before I had to head to a basketball meeting with Brandon the pets got into an altercation because of confined space and the amount of stress this whole remodel has put on them.  It all ended well for them, but sadly I was the one who got injured during the ordeal trying to separate the them.  It's a nasty cat bite on my right hand that hurts like crazy but I'll be fine.

Day 317- Wednesday, 11/14/18
The air quality all week has been in the hazardous range for our area from the fires so seeing people wear N95 masks is a common thing right now.  UC Davis has cancelled classes for the students today  and work for us starting tomorrow, but I have clinical samples and live parasites to tend to so I'm still working and just being cautious by wearing my mask when I need to move between buildings.  We're keeping our kids inside as much as possible too.  Justin is working on some economics homework this evening and this picture depicts beautifully why one of his nicknames is pretzel.

Day 319- Thursday, 11/15/18
Ok so this cat bite is bad and it looks like I have an infection moving up my arm so I'm at the dr getting antibiotics.  It's super painful too and it's my right hand which makes doing almost everything difficult.  Hopefully the drugs will kick in soon and this thing will start to heal and stop spreading.  Meanwhile the boys are celebrating an early start to their fall break because school is cancelled for tomorrow due to poor air quality--still in the hazardous range.  Pizza seemed fitting for the occasion and here we eat in the garage pretty much all the time now.

Day 320- Friday, 11/16/18
The antibiotics are working so my hand and arm look much better.  I'm still working today even though campus is closed because I had to pick up and process some donor dog blood for a new project that could not be rescheduled.  At least now I'm coming home to beautiful counter tops, and other things with the remodel are progressing nicely.  The pets are also on good terms again although Rusty is still not sure about having Bella upstairs in his safe space.  See him watch her like hawk? The poor girl just wants a place to relax with the family inside.

Day 321- Saturday, 11/17/18
Today was packed with scrimmages for Brandon's basketball team.  They had 4 games and did well but are still getting used to each other as a team.  There was also a big rivalry game against UCLA and USC for college football..  Early in the week USC broke into the protection box around the beloved bear statue and vandalized it which is sad to see but these pranks are normal for the 2 schools.  UCLA retaliated by beating them in the game and bringing home the victory bell which has been lost for the past 3 years.  Pictures courtesy of UCLA Daily Bruin.  Tyler was supposed to attend the game but came down with a stomach bug and sadly had to miss it.  He watched from bed though and was happy to see USC get stomped.  Now he focuses on midterms and counts down the days until he comes home for his fall break.

Day 322- Sunday, 11/18/18
Family time and time away from our confined space in the house.  We can't really go outside to do anything with the bad air so an early movie and dinner afterward did the trick.  The new Fantastic Beasts movie did not disappoint and neither did Yard House where we ate.  It's the first time the boys have been there and it was a hit.

That's it for now.  We're looking forward to Tyler coming home late tomorrow and for our remodel to be complete.  I hope everyone has a wonderful Turkey day to enjoy with family and friends.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! So sorry your got hurt!!
    The new counters are amazing!!
