Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 5

Hi there and welcome back.  It's a new month with hopefully new fun.  January seemed to fly by.  This is our last week of basketball until teen hoops starts up in March.  The break will be nice and the city league is way more relaxed than the high school sport--less practice time, less drama, less traveling and less games.  Sounds good to me.

For now here are last week's pictures:

Day 28- Monday, 1/28/19
He's packing tonight and leaving us for a work trip in the LA area tomorrow.  Thankfully this one is only for a few days.

Day 29- Tuesday, 1/29/19
At work I was purifying an antigen prep for slide making and then when I got home it was chilly so Rusty found me right away and made himself at home to warm up on my lap.

Day 30- Wednesday, 1/30/19
Yay!  Basketball games this week are all at home and this was the first one.  Brandon was happy to have some good play time and then even happier to come home, drop his bags, and grub on some food like most teen boys would.

Day 31- Thursday, 1/31/19
Justin is prepping for his first ever concert coming up next week.  The shirt he'll wear just came in today and he's getting excited to see Kiss at Golden 1 Center with his dad and his uncle.

Day 32- Friday, 2/1/19
It's the homecoming game tonight which was a fun way to end the week and it's also a new month so John and I posed with the monthly marker after the game. It's great to have him back at least for a couple days anyway.

Day 33 Saturday, 2/2/19
I need Justin to help with driving next week since the weather will not be right for biking so we're out running errands and practicing.  His not a huge fan and avoids being in the driver's seat so he hasn't really driven much since he got his license over a year ago which is why we are practicing.  He actually did great and is feeling confident which also puts my mind at ease.

Day 34- Sunday, 2/3/19
There he goes off again super early this morning, running to catch a plane in the rain, and this time to Minnesota and then Florida for work.  We won't see him again until Saturday.  Hopefully this is the last of his work travels for a few weeks.  Meanwhile, back at home, I was helping Brandon get pictures of life-skill chores for a Building Foundations class.  Doesn't he look thrilled?  Welcome to my world kiddo!

That's it.  We're looking at a wet and wild week ahead.  See you on the flip side.


  1. A busy week! How exciting he's going to a concert!

  2. Hahahaha! love Brandon's face in his laundry photo! Yes, welcome to the real world! Have a great week!
