Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Week 18

Hello and happy Tuesday! Last week was a full one. We're in final preparations for getting our house, yard, and life in order before Justin's graduation which is only one month away.  So much to do and so little time but we'll get there.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 119- Monday, 4/29/19
I finally got around to finding a piece of art for this blank wall in our kitchen/dining area.  It's been 5 months and just not a priority until now.  The colors and scale of this piece are perfect plus I like the texture of the paint and the peacefulness of the subject matter. Check✓-- one more thing done.  Now if I can just get through all the boxes in the office/guest room and find a place for everything there we'd be pretty much set.

Day 120- Tuesday, 4/30/19
Today at work I'm catching up on making antigen pellets for a collaborator that's been patiently waiting.  He needs a lot for a new project and these things take time.  Biological system don't always work on a set timeline.

Day 121- Wednesday, 5/1/19
We're starting the new month with a bang!  It's National Decision Day and Justin has decided on Humboldt State University to study wildlife biology so he represented by wearing his college shirt to school today.  After work I posed with the monthly marker and some pretty May flowers in the backyard  before taking Justin to a group interview for a summer job.  Then we all ate a really quick dinner before heading out to the high school's scholarship night where Justin surprised and amazed everyone by bringing home 4 awards from our generous community.  Wow!  What a day that ended on a wonderful high note.

Day 122- Thursday, 5/2/19
Welcome home John!  He's been traveling since Monday for work and just got home tonight.  He was sad to miss yesterday but we're happy to have him back today and Bella has not left his side all night.  She wants to make sure he's not leaving again anytime soon.

Day 123- Friday, 5/3/19
TGIF and cheers to the weekend!  We're ready to relax this evening and then tackle more house stuff tomorrow.

Day 124- Saturday, 5/4/19
This morning we did get a lot of things taken care of at home and now we're watching Brandon's last city league basketball game.  This should be it until summer leagues start once school is out.

Day 125- Sunday, 5/5/19
It's time for a break from the house so we headed out to see the Avengers End Game movie which was really long but also really good.  After that we worked together to make some fresh-Mex food for a nice Cinco de Mayo dinner. Yum!

That's it!  See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Crazy that graduation is so soon!! His major sounds awesome!
