Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Week 28

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Today was a busy packed day so I'm running a bit late but it's all good.  Last week was pretty low key which is nice and this week we have 2 traveling so it's just Brandon and I at home.  The pictures may be kind of boring next week.  LOL!  

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 189- Monday, 7/8/19
My friend Aiko is here from Chile working for a couple weeks and brought me some of her country's best treats.  She says you know it's decadent and oh-so-good when it has a 3 stop sign warning on the package because it's hazardous to your health with of high sugar, high calories, and high fat.  Super worth the risk! ;0)  Now imagine a 4 stop-sign treat.  That's the worst it gets.

Day 190- Tuesday, 7/9/19
What's for diner?--orange chicken over rice which is one of Brandon's favorite dishes.  Actually all the boys are huge fans but he seems to consume the most if you include leftovers.

Day 191- Wednesday, 7/10/19
I was working in the home office today and Rusty joined me.  This new sleeper sofa is now one of his go-to napping spots.  Later Tyler texted me a picture of some salsa he made to go with his quesadillas and a few days earlier he sent me a picture of his bacon mac and cheese.  I'm glad he's embracing feeding himself and having fun with it.  I'll have to put him to work in our kitchen more when he's home.

Day 192- Thursday, 7/11/19
These two like to bond after Justin gets home from work which is later than Rusty would like, but he'll soak up what he can get.

Day 193- Friday, 7/12/19
It's hot out with  more triple-digit temperatures so it seems like this dog is always shedding and panting.  It can be especially hard and hot when you have a black coat.  Poor thing.

Day 194- Saturday, 7/13/19
At least there is relief in the pool.  Brandon and John are the biggest fans and often spend their weekend afternoons playing here.

Day 195- Sunday, 7/14/19
I took John and Justin to the airport this morning but they are not flying together.  One was dropped at Terminal A headed to Minnesota for his work week and the other was dropped at Terminal B headed to Seattle visiting a friend for the week. Brandon and I made the most of a quiet house and decided to start watching season 3 of Stranger Things on Netflix while cooling off with root-beer floats.

That's it!  See you next week when the gang is mostly all back.


  1. A busy week! Hope everyone enjoys their travels and stays cool!

  2. Looks like a great week! Root Beer floats are the perfect summer treat. I am impressed with Tyler's cooking! Way to go! Hope you enjoy your quieter week and stay cool!
