Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Week 33

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Last week sure was a busy one and now this week we can decompress and hope everyone finds a new sense of normal.  John and I have a weekend escape planned too so that will help.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 224- Monday,  8/12/19
We just got a punch card for a Booster's fundraiser and it's triple digits out so Jamba Juice this afternoon was a great way to help us cool down after some back-to-school shopping.

Day 225- Tuesday, 8/13/19
Someone placed these beautiful summer flowers in our break area at work and it really helped brighten the day.  Later this evening we all worked to fill our shells with our favorites for Taco Tuesday.

Day 226- Wednesday, 8/14/19
It's Brandon's first day of school for his sophomore year and it was 106 out today so I had these new flavors of Outshine Popsicle on hand as a cool after-school snack.  This was mush appreciated especially after a bike ride home in that heat.

Day 227- Thursday, 8/15/19
For this hot August night we chose to partake in night swim.  It was a great way to spend our last evening together before Justin leaves for college.

Day 228- Friday, 8/16/19
Time to load up the car and head out to Arcata which is about 6 hours north west of us.  At least it was cooler up there on the coast.  We made a few fun stops along the way and then enjoyed some time at one of their many beaches after before retiring for the night.

Day 229- Saturday, 8/17/19
Today is move-in day at Humboldt State University and the weather is perfect. The high will be 69--so much more refreshing that 106!  Justin got settled into his room and then we explored the campus to find his home department where he met with his academic adviser.  Later was family orientation and then a BBQ for all before the final good-byes.  This is my last picture with him before we parted ways and those red-wood beauties behind was are right outside his dorm giving him the best view.

Day 230- Sunday, 8/18/19
I spent most of my day driving back home alone.  At least it's a beautiful drive--much better than the one to LA I'll be doing next month to get help Tyler settled into an apartment for his final year. Sadly I'm racking up the miles on my new car but that's ok because this and my commute to work are what   I need it for and it works great.  

Wait--one more!

August's Family Photo

Taken the last evening Justin was with us right before night swim.  We won't see him again until November.

Ok!  All done.  See you next week.


  1. How exciting to move Justin to school! Good luck to him and Brandon!

  2. I am sure this was an emotional week as you took Justin to school! His school looks beautiful, though! Hope he loves it! It will be quiet for Brandon now at home! Hope his school years is a great one! It is super hot for you there! Hope it cools down soon. Those popsicles look yummy!
