Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Week 2

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  We're minus one kid back at school but still have two home.  It's nice Justin could stay longer so we could fit in some appointments and get him set for another just right for another semester.  The rest of us are back at work and school so he's enjoying some time to relax on his own.  Wish I could still be home to chill more. The holidays aren't really relaxing. Work is insane now too with everyone wanting to light a fire under new projects for the new year.  Hopefully things will settle down soon.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 6- Monday, 1/6/20
Justin and Rusty are still enjoying down time.  It was super cold out today so Rusty was sure to seek out that human warmth for a nice nap. 

Day 7- Tuesday, 1/7/20
Last week's low-lying fog was cool but this week's type of fog is so not cool.  It's even worse to drive in and lasted most the day. 

Day 8- Wednesday, 1/8/20
I still have too many kids at home because I'm still running out of milk too quickly.  At least Justin likes to join me on trips to the store and help with the shopping.  As you can see we have much better skies today but they won't last.  There is a storm moving in.

Day 9- Thursday, 1/9/20
Today was a super long day starting with intense rain on my way to work and then again while we traveled a doctor's appointment, but then it cleared by evening giving us a nice view of the moon as we headed into a late basketball game. 

Day 10- Friday, 1/10/20
TGIF and cheers to the weekend.  We made it through the first week back after winter break and are ready to wind down for the weekend.

Day 11- Saturday, 1/11/20
Brandon finished his service learning hours today and got his paperwork signed at Front Street Animal Shelter.  Then just as we were coming home from the 49er game was starting.  Tyler had left his new jersey here and also couldn't fit his Bella pillow in his travel bag last week so this week I sent him both items and thankfully he got his jersey in time for the big game.  This is the whole reason they won.  LOL!  Go Niners!

Day 12- Sunday, 1/12/20
It's nice out and I'm stuck inside doing Sunday chores but at least I can catch up on TV shows while folding laundry.  It's all good.  

That's it! Hope to see you back next week.


  1. So fun to still have Justin home. The full week back was crazy for me too! Hard to readjust (:

  2. The week back after the holidays is a rough one. Glad you get to keep Justin a little longer! Hope you have a great week!
