Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 16

Hello and welcome back. I hope everyone is still safe and managing this shelter-in-place (SIP) situation OK. It's so hard not knowing when it will end and not being able to make plans for anything.  I'm a planner so it messes with my mind a bit but at least I have work distractions to keep me focused on planning for that.  The wonderful spring weather and being able to get outside has also been a nice distraction that I'm hoping will continue.

Here's a look at last week's pictures:

Day 104- Monday, 4/13/20
I'm happy to see my roses in bloom.  The yellow ones are my favorite. I also had to snap a shot of my neighbor's driveway while walking past to check mail.  They worked hard all weekend to create this cool chalk design and I love it.

Day 105- Tuesday, 4/14/20
I'm working from home today and I love the slow start where I can enjoy my morning coffee in my PJs.  I do eventually get dressed even though I'm not going anywhere. It's important to keep a routine and I feel like I'm more productive if I'm dressed.  While working from home I also wish I had another one of these cute eyeglass holders. This one is out in the family room but I could use another to go in the home office where I keep a second pair of glasses handy.  I'm pretty sure there is also an owl version and maybe dog version of this same holder.  I need to check on that especially since it helps me be mindful of where I leave my glasses to find them later.  Multiple pairs for multiple locations are a must.  Sad but true that it's come to that.

Day 106- Wednesday, 4/15/20
Brandon's spring break is over so he's back to full on distance learning.  Thank goodness I don't have younger kids that actually need help with that.  He's great at staying on top of it even if he does turn his math graphs into paper airplanes every now and then. 😉  This afternoon when I got home from work we both had a fun time outside trying to recreate and old picture of him and Bella for a project I'm working on.  It was wonderful how into it he was and he amazes me with his attention to detail making sure the picture was as close to possible as the older version some 10 yrs ago.  I'll share the side by side once I get the pictures done of the boys.

Day 107- Thursday, 4/16/20
Another day working at home.  It's interesting what sort of morning things I miss out on since I'm usually up and out to work even before the sun.  This morning I enjoyed seeing Rusty interact with his bird that is back from last spring.  This bird taps on the slider door and squawks repeatedly at him for attention.  Sometimes he's into it and other times he's annoyed by it.  The bird is lucky he never gets out.  Later it was a great sunny spring day to walk the dog in cropped pants, and flip flops.  I was even inspired to let my bare feet feel the coolness of the newly cut spring grass.  It's the simple things that help keep us grounded.

Day 108- Friday, 4/17/20
California poppies are in season and I was lucky enough today to come across many patches as I made my way to Hopkins Rd in Davis for a work package pick up. With so many buildings on campus closed it's been interesting navigating the package pick up for deliveries.  I never know what to expect or where I'll have to go to track one down.  At least it was a naturally beautiful location this time that I rarely see so I much enjoyed my venture away from the lab to receive this package.

Day 109- Saturday, 4/18/20 
John's favorite Ben and Jerry's flavor is Phish Food and I find it hilarious that he had a pint delivered from 7-eleven today along with some beer to get him through the weekend.  He was also kind enough to order a pint of a couple other flavors for Brandon and I. Yet another sign of the times.

Day 110- Sunday, 4/19/20
All this warm spring weather has inspired me to plant our tomatoes and I think many other people had the same idea since the garden center at our nearby Lowe's was packed with people.  Everyone was great about social distancing and wearing masks though plus I got in and out of there much quicker than I expected.  Hopefully we have a good crop this year.

That's it!  I look forward to seeing you back next week with more fun times in quarantine, as if.


  1. The flowers are so pretty! That lifts my spirits to see the flowers in bloom! Love your neighbors driveway! I will have to show my kids that so they can start another project! Glad you are safe! Good thing we have Ben and Jerry's ice cream to get us through this!! Stay safe!

  2. The chalk art and spring are such bright spots in this crazy time!
    I need to get some ice cream!!

  3. I didn't know 7-Eleven did delivery!!! I might have to look into that since we have one a few blocks away. My oldest son has used DoorDash a few times. I love all the pictures you're posting of different flowers. They're such a bright and happy distraction for the craziness.
