Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Week 35

Welcome back, happy Tuesday, and hello September.  August was a long month but seemed to go by at lightening speed. Thankfully last week was at a much slower pace to help us ease into this new month.  I feel a change coming--hopefully in a good way.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 237- Monday, 8/24/20

Why am I already seeing signs of fall?  Maybe the extreme heat and poor air quality with the smoke is forcing the trees to turn early.  That wouldn't be a bad thing.  A nice long and mild fall would be great for us especially with some early rain.  We could use that for sure.  Also the latest season of Yellowstone just finished so now we're binge watching The Alienist and already well into season 2.  It's been fun exploring all these new shows we didn't have time to watch before, but I do miss the my usual shows and hope they can start back up with new episodes soon.

Day 238- Tuesday, 8/25/20

I am lion, hear me roar!  Haha--he's really just yawning.  It's almost dinner time so he's trying to wake up from a long afternoon nap so he can be fully present to enjoy his meal.

Day 239- Wednesday, 8/26/20

Wednesday at work I'm culturing some anaerobic organisms so the need to incubate in this special chamber with a pack that eliminate the oxygen.  Later at home it's virtual back-to-school night for Brandon which was actually kind of nice.  I didn't have to leave the house, could eat my dinner and enjoy a glass of wine while attending, and all the teachers did a great job.  It still took 2 hours, but I was impressed with what I saw and am feeling better about the whole distance learning thing.  It's clear this is a huge improvement from how things ended last school year and everyone seems happy about that.

Day 240- Thursday, 8/27/20

It's pretty much the first day we've seen clear, blue sky in almost 2 weeks.  Sadly it did not last long.  The temperatures have been better but the air quality has been mostly unhealthy.  I miss being able to open my windows and take in fresh air.

Day 241- Friday, 8/28/20

TGIF!  Brandon is ready to chill with Bella after his 1st full week of school and John and I are ready to relax with a drink and enjoy a Friday night movie.  Cheers to a weekend at home with no real plans!

Day 242- Saturday, 8/29/20

I spent some time in the yard weeding and pruning and saw more signs of fall coming.  These leaves are still on the tree but turning quickly and will start dropping soon.  Meanwhile John decided to go for a bike ride before it got too hot and too smokey out.

Day 243- Sunday, 8/30/20

It's chore day--cleaning house and getting laundry done before the start of a new work week.

Wait!  One more:

August's Family Photo

This is one of my favorites taken earlier in the month while we were camping in the backyard and still all home.  Missing Justin now and for the next few months.

Ok, All done!  See you next week.


  1. John looks so cool on his bike! I could go for a mixed drink (:

  2. Glad your online is better than in spring! Hope Brandon enjoys it! Glad you got a short break from the smoke! Hope you get some rain and cooler temps so they can get the fires out and you can enjoy fall! I am soooo ready for fall! We were hot this week and finally today is supposed to rain and temps in the low 80s versus the high 90s. We will take it! Have a great weeek!
