Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Week 51

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  It's crazy to think Christmas is in just a few days.  At least we have some time off and can spend it with the family. I think we're all ready to be done with this year and look forward to a fresh start.  

Until then, take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 349- Monday, 12/14/20

The neighborhood is full of houses lit up with festive lights including ours.  It makes walking the dog in the dark so much more fun even when it's super cold out.  After our walk tonight Brandon bundled Bella up to help her warm, and it put her right to sleep.  Such a spoiled girl but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Day 350- Tuesday, 12/15/20

Tyler's home tonight and not working so he decided to make dinner for us--gotta love warm comfort food on cold winter nights.  The second shot is one for a photo prompt about a simple thing being captured in a special way.  Love this simple little reindeer.

Day 351- Wednesday, 12/16/20

Wednesday at work I'm packing things up, loading them on a cart, and moving them from the very old Tupper building to the nice new VM3B building.  So excited for this new phase in a new space at least for the QC work right now.  Tonight I made the warm comfort food for dinner--Pad Thai.   Yum! And it tasted even better the next day as leftovers for lunch.

Day 352- Thursday, 12/17/20

There's only about a week left before Christmas and I still have this huge pile of packages to go through and wrap.  It's so easy to buy but so daunting to manage once it's all here.  I'll have to just dig in and get it done.  Also, finally both the advent calendars for the pets came.  We've had the cat's for a few days but the dog's was held up a bit.  Tomorrow we'll bust them open and see how the pets like them--so fun!

Day 353- Friday, 12/18/20

I spent the day working in the new lab space and trying to get things all set up so we can start our QC work here after the holiday break.  Once I got home, before loosing the light, I took this picture of some decoration trees for a photo prompt about a holiday collection, and then, when the sun started to drop, I took a walk at twilight to enjoy the beautiful crescent moon that's been shining super bright lately.  Not a bad way to end the work week and start winter break.  Hooray for the Holidays!

Day 354- Saturday, 12/19/20

Today was an all day drive day to and from Humboldt to pick up Justin who just finished finals.  Once I got there we had we had just enough time to grab a hand pie and slice of Humboldt pie for lunch before hitting the road to make our way back.  It's great to see him home again.  The third picture was for a prompt about a holiday star.

Day 355- Sunday, 12/20/20

It's a beautiful sunny Sunday that was full or wrapping presents, doing chores, and also making some Christmas crack to enjoy this week.  We have a full and happy house for the next few weeks so we'll make the most of it while it lasts.

That's it!  Only a few more sleeps before Christmas, and I hope every one has a Merry holiday even if it may not be the one we all wanted or expected.  It will at least make next year's feel that much more special.


  1. A festive week - love all that comfort food!

  2. Love all your food and your awesome prompt photos. You do a great job with those! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family!!! here is hoping 2021 is wonderful for all!!
