Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Week 11

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  This is our last week before spring break and of course it's a busy one with a lot of work stuff going on and Boosters' commitments for me, but that will just make the upcoming break all the sweeter.  We're looking forward to a change of scenery and the chance to get back to nature.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 74- Monday 3/15/21

These trees are all over here and they look pretty in bloom but cause a lot of allergy problems and sure know how to make a beautiful mess on the ground.  Plus they hum like crazy with the sound of buzzing bees.  I could hear this one from several feet away as we came upon it.

Day 75- Tuesday, 3/16/21

Someone sure has a lot of ironing to do and I'm glad it's not me.  Just outside that window is our pool shining in the sun and surrounded by plants showing their true and new colors.

Day 76- Wednesday, 3/17/21

Happy St. Patrick's Day!   Brandon and I went out for Shamrock shakes after school, and later John made us Shepard's pie for dinner which was really good and comforting on a cooler day.

Day 77- Thursday, 3/18/21

It was a wet and rainy day but we still got our walk in.  I love the dog prints and the water spatter seen in the second picture as I made her wait at the door to shake before going in.  And see the drag marks on the left footprints?  That's because of her aging arthritic hips.  Poor pup--it's sucks getting old.

Day 78- Friday, 3/19/21

TGIF!  John got his second Pfizer vaccine late this afternoon and since that happened in Dixon, as he passed back through Davis coming home, he stopped and picked up Woodstock's for dinner. Yum!  

Day 79- Saturday, 3/20/21

It's officially the first day of spring and so beautiful here with blue skies and vibrantly colored fresh flowers.  John also continues to watch March Madness and even though North Carolina is out UCLA wins again to move on.  Sadly, that vaccine wiped him out though so he slept most the day and missed large chunks of the tournament including the end to this game.


Day 80- Sunday, 3/21/21

Morning shenanigans--this evil one set up a minefield of cat toys downstairs.  He must be bored, and I bet he wishes he could go outside instead like me.  It's another beautiful day with another shot of a different mustard field (so many here)--loving the blue sky and fluffy clouds in this one too.

That's it!  I hope to see you back next week, but I'll be a couple days late since we'll be out of town and away from computers. Can't wait!

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Week 10

Welcome back and happy Tuesday.  It was an interesting weather week last week and it's still pretty cold.  I'm missing the warm spring like days.  Maybe it will get it out of its system so the end of the month will be nice for spring break.  I'd be fine with that.  Otherwise more of the same around here with work, school, sports and just trying to enjoy the most of what we can.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 67- Monday, 3/8/21

We're starting the week with a nice sunny day, but it's the calm before the storm.  I was also able to start my work week with this new friend.  He was chattering at me while I went between buildings and even let me snap a picture.  Later, at home, this is the 1st thing Brandon does after his virtual classes are over--plops down on the couch next to Bella so he can get some puppy love.  They are both home all day but don't get to see each other until the afternoon.

Day 68- Tuesday, 3/9/21

I'm working from home watching a Town Hall presentation given by my soon-to-be new boss as she applies for the Associate Dean of Global Programs at the vet school.  My current boss is retiring in June but my work will continue as I transition to Dr. Smith who I've also worked with before and known for many years so it's a good move for us all.

Day 69- Wednesday, 3/10/21

The skies are angry today.  There was thunder and hail and a little bit of sprinkles but no real rain just yet.  Even still, new spring flowers persist in popping up daily.

Day 70- Thursday, 3/11/21

. . . And today the rain comes hard and fast but with breaks of sun here and there before starting again.  The rain much needed so we'll take it.  It will not rain on John's parade though.  He is super happy that March Madness will happen this year and that he's able to watch his favorite basketball team play this evening.

Day 71- Friday, 3/12/21

What a full work week!  We mass produced 1100 antigen slides by hand.  That's 1100 slides with 24 wells on each slide equaling 26,400 pipet clicks to dispense the antigen plus another 26,400 clicks to get all the wells fixed.  Thank goodness I have a good colleague to tag team with, but still, I'm so glad it's Friday--time for a break.  In other news, Justin was able to get his 1st vaccine given to him by Humboldt State University since he is a student employee on campus.  I'm so happy they are taking good care of him and looking out for their students' wellbeing.

Day 72- Saturday, 3/13/21

It must be March since there a fields of mustard in bloom--so pretty.  We have our blue skies and sunshine back but it's not as warm as it looks.  This evening we watched Harriet which was not about the underground railroad but about the events in her life that lead up to that and was really good but super long which is why Rusty is staring me down.  It's way past our usual bedtime and he wants us to all to go to bed right now.

Day 73- Sunday, 3/14/21

Yay! We were all happy to discover that Pi day this year would fall on Sunday so we could enjoy pie for dessert after our Sunday family dinner.  What a great way to end the week.  Also Brandon and Tyler were messing with the dog and giving her a superhero cape.  She's such a good sport!

All done!  Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you back next week.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Week 9

Welcome back and happy Tuesday.  We're just plugging along here waiting for the end of the month when we can escape for spring break.  Everyone is itching to get away for a change of scenery so hopefully this month passes quickly.  It's also supposed to be a cold and thunderstorm/lighten type of week which will help remind us it's not fully spring yet. That's ok though because I like it when things get mixed up a bit.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 60- Monday, 3/1/21
March already?  The year is well on it's way.  Bella was very helpful in letting me get a cute monthly marker picture this afternoon.  Anything for a treat--that's the motto she lives by!

Day 61- Tuesday, 3/2/21

I'm loving the sunshine and new baby leaves surrounding us this week and Brandon is loving a good orange-chicken dinner this evening.

Day 62- Wednesday, 3/3/21

One of the perks of working early morning hours is being up and out for the sunrise--beautiful colors to start my day with this morning.  Later we got news that schools here are finally returning to some in-school instruction, but they're still working on the exact schedule.  We have the option to continue remote, and since Brandon is thriving at home he'll continue on that path to finish up his junior year.

Day 63- Thursday, 3/4/21

Not sure why, but I felt like making cookies today and wanted them ready as an after school treat for Brandon.  My mom used to occasionally have fresh-baked cookies ready for us coming home from school, and I've also done that for the boys over the years but haven't done it in a long while so today was the day.  Brandon and John were both pleasantly surprised. Cookie cheers!

Day 64- Friday, 3/5/21

TGIF!  Drinks for us and treats for Bella.  John's great at mixing up end-of-week cocktails for us to enjoy.  We still have fresh lemons on the tree so lemon drops it is.  Bella also knows exactly what day is Friday because she gets her Kong and treat puzzle toy filled with her favorites.  Happy day for all!

Day 65- Saturday, 3/6/21

This tree went from a few blooms last week to full on bloomed out this week, and now the leaves are starting to pop up too.  There is a lot of blue sky and sunshine, but there is also a cool breeze so it's not nearly as warm as it looks.  You can feel a storm is trying to blow in.  Later we hunkered down to watch the newly released sequel Coming to America 2 which was fun and well done.  We should have watched the first one again before starting but of course we didn't think of that until we were already too deep in.

Day 66- Sunday, 3/7/21

Here comes Rusty just waking from a nap to check on the status of dinner.  You could set your watch to the pets' internal feeding clocks.  It's cat food for him and a new wine to try for me.  John went to Costco today and always brings back a couple new wines from places we've not tried before.  He also knows Sauvignon Blanc is my favorite so he'll find those for me.  What a guy!

That's all folks.  See you next week.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Week 8

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  I think I blinked and then it was March.  It's sobering to think we've been dealing with the pandemic for over a year now.  Please let the vaccine be the answer so we can end this.  I know it will still take time and we still must be careful, but I also need to know that an end is in sight.  Until then, we'll just keep living our best life being grateful our loved one are safe and looking forward to the small things that make us feel like we're getting back to some sort of normal.  Schools here might be opening up soon so that's is a start at least. 

As for now, here are the picture from the last week in February: 

Day 53- Monday, 2/22/21

What a treat to have National Margarita day on a Monday!  We took full advantage of that and found it to be a great way to kick off the week.  Cheers! 

Day 54- Tuesday 2/23/21

Just this week the tree out front started to bloom.  It's so nice to see our surroundings come alive again.

 Day 55- Wednesday, 2/24/21

Wednesday at work I'm doing one of my most hated jobs--spending time in the freezer farm digging for 20 yr old samples buried in the -80s.  The freezers don't like it either and it takes them forever to recover which means I'll slowly be doing this in small doses over the next couple weeks to prevent complete failure.  Lucky me!  On a brighter note, Brandon is enjoying being back on the courts again and is ready for actual matches to start up soon.  Maybe by mid March?

Day 56- Thursday, 2/25/21

While I was out walking the dog and enjoying the blue sky and sunshine with NO wind, John was getting his 1st Pfizer vaccine at a CVS in Dixon.  It took him a couple weeks of searching daily to find an appointment, but he found one and is happy to have that process started.  He was also lucky enough to come out of it with only a sore arm and none of the other less fun side effects.

Day 57- Friday, 2/26/21

Friday night vibes.  TGIF!  It seemed like a really long week.

Day 58- Saturday, 2/27/21

Every day here there is something new in bloom.  I'm happy to see some baby leaves on the trees out back and the wonderful pop of color helping to brighten up the yard again.  The blue in the pool looks inviting in the sun too, but it's still way too cold for that.  It'll be late May before we reopen it for the summer.

Day 59- Sunday, 2/28/21

Over the past couple months I've been slowly refreshing our bedroom to be more in line with the new master bath, and today I added the last couple pieces.  Out with the red and gold--in with the blue and grey.  Now if we could just get the missing closet doors.  It's been 4 months, and I'm really hoping this new month will be the one so I can call it done.

Wait--one more!

February's Family Photo

Taken after Sunday family dinner.  We'll be having It's-It for dessert!  And why did I not get the memo about the black hoodies?

That's it!  See you next week.