Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Week 8

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  I think I blinked and then it was March.  It's sobering to think we've been dealing with the pandemic for over a year now.  Please let the vaccine be the answer so we can end this.  I know it will still take time and we still must be careful, but I also need to know that an end is in sight.  Until then, we'll just keep living our best life being grateful our loved one are safe and looking forward to the small things that make us feel like we're getting back to some sort of normal.  Schools here might be opening up soon so that's is a start at least. 

As for now, here are the picture from the last week in February: 

Day 53- Monday, 2/22/21

What a treat to have National Margarita day on a Monday!  We took full advantage of that and found it to be a great way to kick off the week.  Cheers! 

Day 54- Tuesday 2/23/21

Just this week the tree out front started to bloom.  It's so nice to see our surroundings come alive again.

 Day 55- Wednesday, 2/24/21

Wednesday at work I'm doing one of my most hated jobs--spending time in the freezer farm digging for 20 yr old samples buried in the -80s.  The freezers don't like it either and it takes them forever to recover which means I'll slowly be doing this in small doses over the next couple weeks to prevent complete failure.  Lucky me!  On a brighter note, Brandon is enjoying being back on the courts again and is ready for actual matches to start up soon.  Maybe by mid March?

Day 56- Thursday, 2/25/21

While I was out walking the dog and enjoying the blue sky and sunshine with NO wind, John was getting his 1st Pfizer vaccine at a CVS in Dixon.  It took him a couple weeks of searching daily to find an appointment, but he found one and is happy to have that process started.  He was also lucky enough to come out of it with only a sore arm and none of the other less fun side effects.

Day 57- Friday, 2/26/21

Friday night vibes.  TGIF!  It seemed like a really long week.

Day 58- Saturday, 2/27/21

Every day here there is something new in bloom.  I'm happy to see some baby leaves on the trees out back and the wonderful pop of color helping to brighten up the yard again.  The blue in the pool looks inviting in the sun too, but it's still way too cold for that.  It'll be late May before we reopen it for the summer.

Day 59- Sunday, 2/28/21

Over the past couple months I've been slowly refreshing our bedroom to be more in line with the new master bath, and today I added the last couple pieces.  Out with the red and gold--in with the blue and grey.  Now if we could just get the missing closet doors.  It's been 4 months, and I'm really hoping this new month will be the one so I can call it done.

Wait--one more!

February's Family Photo

Taken after Sunday family dinner.  We'll be having It's-It for dessert!  And why did I not get the memo about the black hoodies?

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. Loving how the bedroom looks! So glad John got the vaccine!!

  2. Love all the blossoms and your bedroom looks awesome! Yeah for John getting his first vaccine!!! There is an end in sight! I got my 2nd and then spent the next day in bed with whole body aches, but was fine the next day. It was worth it! Hope you have a great week and yeah for tennis and hopefully inperson school soon!
