Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Week 15

Hello and welcome back!  We're just cruising through April. Seems crazy how quickly the weeks fly by. High school sports are currently back in full effect so it's time to be Brandon's number one fan again and start shuttling him to and from matches. At least he can drive himself to practices. I also just found him an appointment for his 1st COVID vaccine now that he's eligible. I'm excited to almost have the whole family vaccinated especially since I hate that he's the most at risk right now. Enough business and on to more fun things.

Here's a look at last week's pictures:

Day 102- Monday, 4/12/21

It's poppy season in California right now and they do what they do best--pop up everywhere adding pops of bright happy color across our state.  I need to find some to plant in my yard.


Day 103- Tuesday, 4/13/21 

Here's another "pieces of me" picture for a face forward prompt.  It was a beautiful spring day so I went out back to take the shot during the golden hour.

 Day 104- Wednesday, 4/14/21

Today after work, while I was making lunch, I saw this squirrel just chilling on the tree branch out back, and it was sitting there forever so I took advantage of the the opportunity and captured a picture our resident friend.


Day 105- Thursday, 4/15/21

These are new lemon-tree blossoms, and the bees are loving them right now which means we should have a good crop come winter.  Otherwise, it's a chill day perfect for a nap--or that's what Bella thinks anyway.  She's the queen of naps these days.  

 Day 106- Friday, 4/16/21

Yay! It's the last day of this work week.  It's been a busy one in the lab as we prepare to move to a new location and start new summer projects.  I took this "pieces of me" picture with the camera timer for a full body prompt.  After work Brandon had his first tennis match in Woodland, and it was a beautiful day to sit outside and watch.  He's playing doubles here and they won 6 games to 3.  I'm happy see him out playing and interacting with his friends and teammates after such a long isolated break.


 Day 107- Saturday, 4/17/21

Today was a chore day.  I started the annual garden wars and it looks like I won but my arms tell another story.  Those plants sure know how to bite back.  Maybe next weekend I'll fair better. While I was out back mostly working in the shade, John was out front washing his bike in the shade--a must for this very warm day.

Day 108- Sunday, 4/18/21

 We had a great fun day to end the weekend with.  John got to play with a couple of his birthday presents from last week.  First he used his new vertical rotisserie to grill some pork with pineapple making tacos al pastor for Sunday family dinner, and then we all played darts together on his new board.

OK, that's it!  See you back next week as we get used to being back into a sports schedule way of life.


  1. You guys had a great week! Love all the hints of spring and yay for tennis!!

  2. Love all the flower photos! Looks like some yummy stuff John has made! Also YEAH for tennis and school sports and yeah that Brandon can get his shot! Negative to living in a small town is no one has the Pfizer. Hard to find one for J to get, but still searching hard! Enjoy your week!
