Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Week 32

Welcome back!  I'm in a crazy busy daze so not even sure what day it is--oh right, Wednesday! I got Justin off to school last week as you will see and am prepping to head out and get Brandon off as well.  So many last minute details to think of.  I hope we don't forget anything and I hope he likes it there.  The first year is the the biggest adjustment but he's a pretty chill kid so I know he'll manage fine like the others did.  We're leaving for LA before dawn tomorrow.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 220- Monday, 8/8/22

Justin's girlfriend, Isabel, was sad she couldn't make Sunday dinner yesterday so we invited her to come to dinner tonight.  I have met her before during their high-school years but the rest of the family has not.  Thankfully Justin and her took this picture just before she left because I didn't get a chance to snap one.  This is the last time they will see each other before he leaves for school.

Day 221- Tuesday, 8/9/22

As Justin and I were out running errands to take care of last minute things before packing I parked by these grass bushes and the colors caught my eye.  Apparently running errands is exhausting because not long after we got back home I found Justin asleep on the floor next to the cat.

Day 222- Wednesday, 8/10/22

Brandon is enjoying some free time this week knowing that next week he has to work a bit more and also get things done around the house as he prepares to leave.  His favorite pastime these days is playing online games with his girlfriend and her siblings.  Later Bella and I got out for a quick walk trying to stay in the shade since it's very warm out.  Enough of this hot August heat--I'm ready for some nice, cool, crisp fall temps.

Day 223- Thursday, 8/11/22

Speaking of pastimes, John found a better place to set up his DJ stuff and has been working to play his music as well as go through and sort his collection.

Day 224- Friday, 8/12/22

We made to Humboldt--back in Bigfoot territory.  Time to start moving Justin into the off-campus house he will share with 4 of his friends.  One of the moms found that huge metal art piece on the side of the road!  The kids all love it in their new place.  After Justin and what we could until the bed and the desk get delivered later we went out to a nice steak dinner at a place called The Campground. Then I checked into my hotel to relax while he enjoyed some time with his housemates.

Day 225- Saturday, 8/13/22

Up, refreshed, and ready for day 2.  Moving into anything other than a dorm is way more work.  I helped get his bed all set up and hung pictures while he put the new desk together.  And that's a wrap!  Time to say goodbye and leave him at his new home.  The worst part is that long drive back all alone, and I needed a quick pick-me-up to help get me through it.  Best wishes for another year Justin!  I know he's excited to be back and that makes me happy.

Day 226- Sunday, 8/14/22

Home, sweet, home!  I tried to chill a bit today and enjoy time with the family but also had a lot more errands to run getting the second kid ready to move soon.  It was super hot out so being in or near the pool was the place to be.

That's it.  See you next week as we start our empty nest lives.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Week 31

Welcome back and happy Wednesday! I'm just a day late and almost got it published yesterday but needed to run around with Justin who finally had a day off from work so we could shop for last minute school things. Otherwise we're here trying to make the most of the last few weeks of summer break.  I can't believe summer is almost over and I'll have 2 kids moving away for college this year.  Our house will be super quiet once the leave.  At least Tyler and Lupe live close by and will continue to join us for Sunday dinners when they can.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 213- Monday, 8/1/22

Welcome to August which sure came up super fast. Justin is posing with the monthly marker and Rusty is helping.  These two will sure miss each other once Justin leaves end of next week.

Day 214- Tuesday, 8/2/22

Appointment, after appointment, after appointment!  I'm deeming this week "adventures in wheelchairing." At least we finally got our parking placard today at a AAA office of all places.  After 5 weeks of waiting on DMV they never responded to our mailed-in application. Figures!  We definitely put it to good use this week.

Day 215- Wednesday, 8/3/22

Wednesday at work I started the morning with a pretty cloud view through the building windows and then in the lab I had some QC-plate work waiting for me. After work and late into the evening John had another appointment for an MRI that might give us clues about damage contributing to his left leg issues.

Day 216- Thursday, 8/4/22

At least today we had a fun outing adventure with the whole family.  Thankfully we were able to put Brandon's free River Cats tickets to good use and attend a baseball game.  It wasn't too hot, the food was good, and the atmosphere was fun.  So glad we were able to make it happen before the kids start leaving town.

Day 217- Friday, 8/5/22

One of the best things I can receive on a Friday is a clinical-sample package that arrives first overnight so I have time to process it and get results out early not delaying the start to my weekend.  Then on the way home I stopped in for a car wash because I couldn't take it anymore.  The bugs have been crazy and my car reflects that.  It feels so much better to have a clean car again.  I'll take all the little things that help--TGIF!

Day 218- Saturday, 8/6/22

I spent the morning refilling the pill box for the next month since prescriptions just got re-filled--so many different colors and shapes! John's adventures continue with another fun outing.  He took the boys to sushi as he does every end of summer and they all came back sufficiently stuffed and happy.  Brandon was working and doesn't like sushi so they'll go out for a different end of summer meal maybe next week since he's now a college boy too.

Day 219- Sunday, 8/7/22

For Sunday dinner we let Justin choose what to eat because it will be his last Sunday dinner with us until November.  He chose grilled burgers with S'mores for dessert.  It was great outdoor fun.  John helped Tyler grill the burgers and enjoyed his first time out back since he's been home.  It took us awhile to figure out how to get him out there with the chair plus it's been way too hot to be out back anyway.  Thankfully today there was a nice delta breeze that made it pleasant.  What a perfect family way to end the week.

That's it!  I'll see you next Tuesday after traveling to help Justin get settled up north for another year at HSU.  It makes my heart happy that he can't wait to go back and is excited to be sharing a house off campus with great friends.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Week 30

Welcome back and happy Wednesday!  I tried to make it happen yesterday but too many appointments lined up plus errands to run and work in between. No worries though the post is here now.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 206- Monday, 7/25/22

Not a bad way to start the week with some pretty clouds at sunrise.  The clouds also kept it cooler for the day so it was nice to have a break from the extreme heat.

Day 207- Tuesday, 7/26/22

I'm not sad we're nearing the end of July.  It's been one full and very scheduled month.  I can't say August will be much better though.  Also today was the day Justin got a phone upgrade.  He really didn't want one because he hates change but his screen was going out too so I wanted him to get a new one before he was stuck away at school with a broken one.  Thankfully the transition went well and he's enjoying the better camera on this one plus the ability to clearly see the pictures he takes.  LOL!

Day 208- Wednesday, 7/27/22

Wednesday at work I'm spending a lot of time on the microscope between summer research projects and clinical samples to read.  Back at home Brandon's job as a line cook has come in handy.  When he's not happy with leftover options for dinner he'll quickly whip up a quesadilla for himself which will also be a skill that will be helpful as he moves away to school. 

Day 209- Thursday, 7/28/22

We've sprung yet another leak.  This time it's from a connection in one of the pool pipes.  I'm learning way more than I ever wanted to know about plumbing this year.

Day 210- Friday, 7/29/22

Cheers to breakfast for dinner on a Friday night.  We needed a fun change to kick start the weekend.  Our movie for the night was a super action packed one I've been waiting to see with John.  It's been for rent on Prime for awhile but now it's free so score.

Day 211- Saturday, 7/30/22

Just happened to spy this heart in the coffee grounds this morning otherwise a pretty busy day getting things done around the house and running errands.

Day 212- Sunday, 7/31/22

Happy 18th Birthday to Brandon!  The baby of our family is now an adult.  Can't wait to see where this next chapter in his life takes him.

That's it!  Let the craziness of August begin.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Week 29

Hello! Here is the final post to get me caught up again.  These are from 2 weeks ago and hopefully I'll get last week's pictures posted on Tuesday to stay on track.  It's so crazy how time flies and now it's August! Yikes!! Our calendar is booked full of appointments for all so there is not much free time in August.  Sadly summer is slipping away and now it's the mad push to get kids ready to move away to.  I think once the boys are settled at college things will slow down a bit.

Take a look at how week 29 went:

Day 199- Monday, 7/18/22

This is a typical Monday morning sitting in my usual spot it the Vet Med campus coffee shop, "Scrubs", waiting for my drink to be made.  Later at home, PT was working some more with John on walking.  Hopefully he can start using the walker more and the chair less around the house at least.

Day 200- Tuesday, 7/19/22

I was able to pick up my new prescription glasses today.  They have the bifocal blended in which will take some getting used to, but as I wear them more the easier it gets and the more useful they are. Rusty and I kind of match today especially as he hangs out with his fish.  Not sure why, but this week has a fall feel with fall colors everywhere however it's super hot so not fall at all--still very much summer!

Day 201- Wednesday, 7/20/22

Our neighbors gave us some beautiful peaches off their tree and they taste as good as they look--so sweet and juicy!  Also, last week just before our trip to LA (of course), I was forced to get a new phone because my screen on the old one quit working.  Today the new case I ordered came in.  I love the color of the new case and all the camera options on the new phone even though I'm not quite sure what they all do yet.

Day 202- Thursday, 7/21/22

Bella is so happy to have her person back.  She is always by his side and much more content.  His new wheelchair finally came today.  Someone at the facility dropped the ball on ordering it before his discharge so he got a beat up, super heavy, and really wide loaner to use until the home-care PT could order this one.  Now he can actually get through the downstairs bathroom door with this newer, sleeker model.

Day 203- Friday, 7/22/22

The shadow from this leaf on the ground caught my eye today.  It's not a fall leaf just yet but more of a heat-exhausted leaf.  There were so many days over 100 this week and more forecasted for next week.  Back inside Justin is prepping some food after a long work day in that heat.  It was a leftover kind of night which is not typical for our Fridays but it was too hot to use the oven or stove.

Day 204- Saturday, 7/23/22

Rusty settled down for a quick nap and seconds later--Oh wait!  Bird!!!  LOL--love his perked ears.  In other news, Brandon brought home some goodies.  Perks from working at the ballpark include free merchindise and free tickets.  Hopefully we can find a time to go to a game before the boys head off to school.

Day 205- Sunday, 7/24/22

Today he works at home and learned how to use the yard blower to clean up the results of his grass edging.  For dinner we had oven-roasted chicken and an award winning wine.  The California Sate fair is going on right now in Sacramento and the local market sells and features the winning wines which are fun to try each year.  This is a new one I never heard of before and it was really good and refreshing.

That's it!  See you hopefully tomorrow with last week's pictures.