Welcome back! I'm in a crazy busy daze so not even sure what day it is--oh right, Wednesday! I got Justin off to school last week as you will see and am prepping to head out and get Brandon off as well. So many last minute details to think of. I hope we don't forget anything and I hope he likes it there. The first year is the the biggest adjustment but he's a pretty chill kid so I know he'll manage fine like the others did. We're leaving for LA before dawn tomorrow.
Until then, here are last week's pictures:
Day 220- Monday, 8/8/22
Justin's girlfriend, Isabel, was sad she couldn't make Sunday dinner yesterday so we invited her to come to dinner tonight. I have met her before during their high-school years but the rest of the family has not. Thankfully Justin and her took this picture just before she left because I didn't get a chance to snap one. This is the last time they will see each other before he leaves for school.
Day 221- Tuesday, 8/9/22
As Justin and I were out running errands to take care of last minute things before packing I parked by these grass bushes and the colors caught my eye. Apparently running errands is exhausting because not long after we got back home I found Justin asleep on the floor next to the cat.
Day 222- Wednesday, 8/10/22
Brandon is enjoying some free time this week knowing that next week he has to work a bit more and also get things done around the house as he prepares to leave. His favorite pastime these days is playing online games with his girlfriend and her siblings. Later Bella and I got out for a quick walk trying to stay in the shade since it's very warm out. Enough of this hot August heat--I'm ready for some nice, cool, crisp fall temps.
Day 223- Thursday, 8/11/22
Speaking of pastimes, John found a better place to set up his DJ stuff and has been working to play his music as well as go through and sort his collection.
Day 224- Friday, 8/12/22
We made to Humboldt--back in Bigfoot territory. Time to start moving Justin into the off-campus house he will share with 4 of his friends. One of the moms found that huge metal art piece on the side of the road! The kids all love it in their new place. After Justin and what we could until the bed and the desk get delivered later we went out to a nice steak dinner at a place called The Campground. Then I checked into my hotel to relax while he enjoyed some time with his housemates.
Day 225- Saturday, 8/13/22
Up, refreshed, and ready for day 2. Moving into anything other than a dorm is way more work. I helped get his bed all set up and hung pictures while he put the new desk together. And that's a wrap! Time to say goodbye and leave him at his new home. The worst part is that long drive back all alone, and I needed a quick pick-me-up to help get me through it. Best wishes for another year Justin! I know he's excited to be back and that makes me happy.
Day 226- Sunday, 8/14/22
Home, sweet, home! I tried to chill a bit today and enjoy time with the family but also had a lot more errands to run getting the second kid ready to move soon. It was super hot out so being in or near the pool was the place to be.
That's it. See you next week as we start our empty nest lives.
Hope Justin has a wonderful year! It is a lot of work getting them moved in and all situated! You have a lot to do! John looks good and glad he is able to enjoy and work on his music!