Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Week 38

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Last week was the official start of Fall and luckily for us it actually felt like it.  We're now heating up again but just into the low 90's so not as bad as the 100's.  We'll take what we can get and hope that the cooling trend picks back up again soon. Other than the weather there's just a lot of the same--work for me and PT for John on a day in and day out.  At least we have a set schedule now and less dr. appointments so that makes things easier.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 262- Monday, 9/19/22

I'm working hard this week to get through the last of 600+ goat samples before we start a project with Alaskan seals and then Texas mules.  I've got them spaced out and lined up in the queue.  Later we had fun with a summer thunderstorm that brought some good rain and impressive lightening.  Those don't happen too often for us so it was exciting to see and hear.

Day 263- Tuesday, 9/20/22

Yesterday was cardio and today is leg day.  This bike uses electrodes that help stimulate the weak muscles and he pedals to give them that extra contraction which will help make them stronger faster and improve the connection from the brain signals to the nerves in that area.  It's also a beautiful Indian Summer type of day out so I was inspired to put up a little fall decoration.

Day 264- Wednesday, 9/21/22

We had little time to make dinner tonight and things heated up again today so the quickest and coolest thing I had on hand that would still make a good meal was crispy chicken wraps,  At least they pulled together nicely and worked out great.  Then after, we were flipping channels and realized that the new season of Survivor started today.  I missed watching the last one with John so was happy we could watch this one together again and am excited the new season of a lot more of the network shows are finally happening.  It seems like forever ago when they all ended the last season.

Day 265- Thursday, 9/22/22

We needed to run a few errands today after PT and just so happened to be by BJ's at dinner time so we decided to eat out.  Both of us had just seen a commercial and hadn't been here is ages so it just felt right plus they dropped a s'mores pizookie that John wanted to try.  He's been working so hard the past couple weeks with 5 days of PT each week that is a lot for him and would be for anyone so it was a well deserved treat. 

Day 266- Friday, 9/23/22

Happy 24th Birthday to this guy!  I'm so glad he lives close enough that we can celebrate with him.  And of course Bella just had to steal some attention by plopping herself down to be in the picture.  She loves it when we open presents and she loves pictures because they usually mean treats.

Day 267- Saturday, 9/24/22

Some of the leaves in the park are starting to turn pretty fall colors.  That's always exciting to see.

Day 268- Sunday, 9/25/22

Homemade pizza for Sunday dinner was Tyler's choice and we hadn't made pizza in awhile so it was a great choice that turned out so yummy.  The best part is how we all worked together making this meal adding their own favorite toppings.

That wraps up another week.  Check back next week for more of our day to day life as empty nesters.  We're missing those 2 other boys of ours and can't wait to see them in a couple months for fall break.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Week 37

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  We've been so happy with the weather the past several days.  The beginning of last week was still too hot but then a huge shift to more of a fall feel and even rain!  We'll take!

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 255- Monday, 9/12/22

Aww--found this note on my computer screen this morning.  Frank, our fellow for the past year, from Mali headed back to his home country after Friday since his fellowship has ended.  We had a great time teaching him all the ins and outs of our lab and research work.  He'll be missed!  Thankfully our media coordinator got a good picture of us with him Friday before he left.  Best wishes for his future endeavors.

Day 256- Tuesday, 9/13/22

We are at least seeing more cloud cover this week which has helped shade the sun a bit but it's still pretty warm out.  The air-quality has improved too thanks to a bit of breeze today.  I love seeing that pretty blue sky again.

Day 257- Wednesday, 9/14/22

There was a big wind storm cooling things down over night so now our pool is littered with fall leaves but to be honest I think it's kind of pretty. It's for sure much cooler out and even the cat feels it or he would have decided after servals weeks of nothing to become a lap cat again.  As soon as I got home from work and sat down he plopped right up and started making biscuits while soaking up my body heat.  Now if he's just stop shedding.

Day 258- Thursday, 9/15/22

I was hoping to attend this work event in person but had to join by zoom after getting John to and from PT.  Still, it's nice to have a remote option.  Later upstairs the setting sun caught my eye out the window.  It's been nice with the lower temps and smokeless skies to be able to open our windows again letting in some nice fresh, cool air to circulate through the house.

Day 259- Friday, 9/16/22

TGIF!  I was so glad it was also cool enough for me to enjoy the healing garden at Mercy while waiting on John's Cardio rehab class to end.  Love the fountain and the little fall leaf.  This week was our first week with 5 straight days of PT.  It's a lot, but worth it, and I'm sure it will get easier as it becomes more a part of our routine and the new normal.  Somedays navigating the traffic is the worst part and of course Fridays are always bad traffic days heading in and out of the city.

Day 260- Saturday, 9/17/22

There was no real time to get errands or chores done during the week adding the new PT schedule in so today was the day to get that stuff done especially since it might rain tomorrow.  What--RAIN?!  It's been way too long and I can't wait.

Day 261- Sunday, 9/18/22

Yes!  It really happened.  We finally got some rain and it most certainly feels more like fall now.  Next is looking to be pretty promising too.  Yay!

That's all for now.  I'm looking forward to more fall vibes.  See you next week as we start to wrap up anther month.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Week 36

Welcome back!  Boy was last week taxing with the record breaking heat.  We did get some relief for the weekend but we are also dealing with bad air quality from fires so if it's not one it's the other.  I'm so done with it!  Bring on fall and quick!!

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 248- Monday, 9/5/22

Happy Labor Day!  Today was super chill.  We're just enjoying the extra day off to catch up on things.  It's too hot to do much else.  The butterflies and dragon flies seem to like the heat though because I see a lot of them around more when it's super hot than at any other time and I spied this beauty in the backyard just hanging out.

Day 249- Tuesday, 9/6/22

I went in to the dermatologist for a quick whole body skin check mostly curious about spots on my back which was all good but she did find a pre-cancerous spot on my cheek.  It was treated with LN2 right there on the spot to burn it off.  Ouch! but glad she caught it.  I didn't even know I had a spot there.  Always a good idea to get checked just in case especially with our intense sun these days.  Today in particular our weather produced record breaking heat that also taxed our power grid and will continue on throughout the week.  Seriously, when it's that hot out and doesn't really cool off at night the only thing we felt like eating was cereal with cold milk and fresh chilled fruit for dinner.

Day 250- Wednesday, 9/7/22

John was evaluated by a new PT place today called SCI-Fit (Spinal Cord Injury-Fitness) since they specialize in rehabilitating nerve damaged areas, and boy do they have a lot of cool equipment and knowledge.  They are also super encouraging and positive.  This will for sure be the best place to help with his left leg issues.  Unfortunately it's out-of-pocket only but they have grants we can look into and a flexible schedule to help reduce costs that we can work with.  We're all excited to see how much progress he'll make here.

Day 251- Thursday, 9/8/22

Today was a sad day with the Queen's passing but she lived a full and productive life--end of an era for sure.  In other news the Mosquito Fire near us is burning out of control putting up this crazy explosion like smoke plume that could be seen from hundreds of miles away.  We've had a quiet summer until now in terms of fires and it's sad to see them start back up again but not surprising given the current extreme heat and drought conditions.

Day 252- Friday, 9/9/22

And there it is--that disheartening red from fire sun that castes orange shadows and makes us all sick to our stomachs when we see it because we know what it means--uncontrolled, destructive fire and unhealthy air to breathe.  The only good thing about the smoke filled air is how it helps cool the blazing sun's heat.  You can see in the picture how dark it is out at 10am from all that smoke shading the sun.  Thankfully a good breeze picked up in the afternoon to blow the smoke out and clear the skies.  Bella and I took advantage of the improved conditions to go on a walk which we really couldn't do the past few days due to the excessive heat and bad air.  TGIF!

Day 253- Saturday, 9/10/22

It's sooooo much cooler today and really nice out with breezy air and it feels wonderful to have some relief this weekend.  As a special treat we were also able to get out with some good friends and enjoy the great conditions. John has the best friends that still, now that he's home, rotate visiting and checking in on him.  Since we had a wine pick-up and they had not been to this winery yet we decided it would be fun to do a tasting there for our visit.  We all needed to get out of the house after pretty much being shut-ins for the week and were super happy the weekend weather allowed for that.  Thank you Loren and Lily for the visit!

Day 254- Sunday, 9/11/22

Football season is starting so while the guys watched the games I went to visit a friend for some girl time.  Go Niners!  And of course the fact that it's 9/11 did not escape me.  It was on my mind here and there all day.

That's it!  See you next week.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Week 35

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  I'm on track again and now with the kids where they all need to be I should be able to stay on it.  We'll see.  John's appointments, work, and fighting fraud are what keep me busy these days.  This week was insane with 8 appointments but it's all good.  John just transitioned from in-home PT and OT to out patient cardio and neuro PT and because of the transition all his doctors wanted follow-up or new appointments for next steps.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 241- Monday, 8/29/22

I'm working from home today because John had an early appointment with his Neuro Dr  (complete waste of time) and an afternoon appointment starting his cardio rehab PT at Mercy (best use of time). Thankfully, in between appointments, I was able to get some decent work done.

Day 242- Tuesday, 8/30/22

Today's appointment was for the dog to get her annual checkup where we renew her hip-pain meds so rather important since they help a lot.  Otherwise she's doing great for a gal her age and even left me some quality nose art on the rear window of my car--all of that mess from 1 short car ride. The car and visit were a bit unnerving for her so she was happy to be relaxing at home after all that.

Day 243- Wednesday, 8/31/22

After work and an appointment with a different PT place that can focus on the nerve damaged leg I was able to get out for my own walk and found these fresh looking vibrant flowers in the park. I'm surprised they are not wilting in the heat.  As the sun sets on this month I'll be happy to say goodbye to these hot August nights.

Day 244- Thursday, 9/1/22

Happy September!  We're feeling some Hawaiian vibes today as we relax after consulting with another dr about one last procedure needed before getting on the transplant list.  Too bad they are booking out into the end of October.  Hopefully we can to slide into a cancellation spot earlier than that.

Day 245- Friday, 9/2/22

Today started with a morning dental appointment.  After lunch we headed back to Mercy for anther day at cardio rehab.  Even though it's super hot out I did enjoy some time in their healing garden while I was waiting and before I started melting.  For dinner I made some tri-tip sliders in the air-fryer that turned out great.  Best part in this heat is that the air-fryer is way cooler to run than the oven or even BBQ.

Day 246- Saturday, 9/3/22

Cheers to the weekend!  We're happy to be at home with no appointments and started watching the new Lord of the Rings series on Amazon Prime.

Day 247- Sunday, 9/4/22

Today we did squeeze in one last appointment for the week to finally get John's haircut and it made a big difference but I didn't get a picture-- soon enough.  At least this one was not medical related. What I did get a picture of was my melting ice-cream cone--the perfect treat to finish off Sunday dinner and to celebrate the last few weeks of summer.  We all can't wait for a cooler season.

That's it!  Hope you all had a great Labor Day holiday.  See you next week.