Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Week 46

Welcome back and happy Wednesday!  We're busy prepping for the Thanksgiving holiday so I'm a bit behind but all is good because we have the college boys home.  They certainly help keep thing fun and interesting around here.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 318- Monday, 11/14/22

It's a typical cold start to the week where I'm waiting for coffee at work but then I looked down and all those circles caught me eye which made for a fun shot.

Day 319- Tuesday, 11/15/22

I'm hanging on to the last bits of fall.  I put the creepy Halloween decorations away but kept the fall items and will leave them up until just after Thanksgiving.  No Christmas decorations here until then.

Day 320- Wednesday, 11/16/22

Wednesday at work I was reading through slides on 80+ Alaskan seals.  The set up on that many isn't bad but the reading is intensive and time consuming.  At least our scope room is warmer than the larger lab area this time of year.  Back at home Rusty was not feeling well and we quickly found out he was having a bladder inflammation flare up like he had last year.  Thankfully I still had the best medications that worked for him on hand and they did the trick to stop it quickly and set him right again.  I have a feeling the stress from losing the dog is what triggered this episode.

Day 321- Thursday, 11/17/22

One of our favorite fall treats are these pumpkin donuts so I stocked up for the boys' homecoming and even though I'm mostly non-Christmas right now I did at least secure my Advent calendar for the season.  It's a hot item at Costco so I had to grab one before they sold out.

Day 322- Friday, 11/18/22

Welcome home Brandon!  This was his first solo flight and he did great.  For dinner he requested orange chicken and gobbled it right up.  Next up will be a haircut and some booster shots.

Day 323- Saturday, 11/19/22

Today it's Justin's turn.  Brandon came home on a plane and Justin traveled by train.  It feels so good to have them both back and to catch up. School is going well for them and their next semester schedules are already set.  Registration for classes can be stressful trying to getting the classes you need but they both lucked out with early appointment times which helps a lot.

Day 324- Sunday, 11/20/22

As you can see they both have settled back in nicely and Rusty is happy to have them back as well.  Tyler and Lupe were also over later today so we could have a nice big family dinner--tacos requested by Justin.

That's it!  We have them home for a whole week so looking forward to some good times.

1 comment:

  1. So fun to have everyone home! Love the circle picture, your fall decor and those donuts look yummy! Sadly they don't carry those here. I love pumpkin everything!
