Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Week 17

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  All is good here.  We had a crazy thunderstorm roll through late last week but otherwise it's been near perfect out so we have been enjoying spring and embracing the small bits of rain we still get here and there.  Otherwise more work, more puppy goodness and more fun.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 113- Monday, 4/22/24

Starting the week with some springtime backyard goodness for Earth Day.  Bailey likes watching the birds and squirrels out here.

Day 114- Tuesday, 4/23/24

The look on her face says, "I didn't do it!" but she surly did.  For no good reason she decided to rip a hole in the drywall near her crate in the garage.  We've since covered up access to this wall.   As for inside she just received an upgrade to a larger donut bed and once she stopped trying to rip it apart she discovered how comfortable it is and settled in for a nice nap. Fun times in puppy land!

Day 115- Wednesday, 4/24/24

This windy day blew a neighbor's tree blossoms in our pool which looked kind of cool swirling around when the pump was running but not great for the pool filter.  Also for a photo challenge I had to find a spring like fabric to highlight and the fabric for this top I just picked up at Target was perfect for the challenge.

Day 116- Thursday, 4/25/24

It was "Take Your Child to Work Day" so our building had many fun and interactive ways to show our work to visiting kids.  This was the lab's booth and I was running it using our outreach teaching items. We had a great turn out and everyone really enjoyed the marine mammal pelts and ecology game. Back in the day when my kids were younger it was "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" so I'm glad they have expanded that to be more inclusive.  Back at home I was able to relax and unwind with a nice Rusty cat cuddle.

Day 117- Friday, 4/26/24

It was warm out but pouring rain with thunderstorms.  It was coming down so hard and was so loud that it caught everyone's attention and Bailey was really have a good time checking out the downpour.  It was a fun way to end the work week and perfect weather to settled down in for a scary movie on the Friday night.

Day 118- Saturday, 4/27/24

Our boys are all receiving test kits in the mail right now to screen for the gene mutation John has that led to the damage in his heart.  If they have it and know about the risk will be a lot easier to manage and less damaging with regular monitoring.  In puppy news Bailey got her final set of shots today and of course that whole experience completely wiped her out.  This means she's now fully protected and we can start taking her out into the neighborhood for walks.  She also now weighs 28 lbs so up 8 lbs from her last vet visit a month ago.  With the puppy resting at home we were able to get out and enjoy a nice dinner with friends.  After that the ride home was beautiful with a pretty colorful sunset.

Day 119- Sunday, 4/28/24

John made his way to Oregon today so he can be with his mother and brother to spread his dad's ashes on their ranch.  Along the way he sent me these picture of Lake Shasta and Mount Shasta because he knew I would appreciate them.  I grew up in that area and during the drought years the lake and mountain have looked so sad but now with our few years of good rain they are looking more like what I remember from back in the day.  Meanwhile this puppy girl got a new frisbee that we have enjoyed playing with inside and out.  It's just me and the pets for the next few days.

That wraps up another week and almost another month.  I can't believe May starts next week.  It will be a very busy and full month.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Week 16

Welcome back and happy Tuesday! Last week was amazing with no rain and wonderful spring-like, perfect conditions. We spent a lot of time outside to enjoy it. The only downside was the massive swarms of mosquitos. Dawn and dusk right now are not good times to be out there if one wants to avoid those nasty bites.

At any rate, take a look at the better parts of the week:

Day 106- Monday, 4/15/24

My roses out back are coming into a beautiful bloom and I was happy to see pictures of Justin living his best happy life trying to soak up all the goodness of Humboldt and a new relationship before moving home in May.

Day 107- Tuesday, 4/16/24

Bailey is officially too big to nap on my lap especially when she likes to sleep all stretched out like this.  Look how long she is. Also with warmer weather we've seen her start to pant which is so cute because it makes her look like she's smiling. 💗

Day 108- Wednesday, 4/17/24

Wednesday at work and then back at home seemed to be all about circles today-- first while waiting for my coffee order at Scrubs Café on campus and then at home playing ball with the pup on a rug with a circular pattern that is usually covered by our coffee table. 

Day 109- Thursday, 4/18/24

 Afternoon poppies on campus all over and so pretty.  I love the shadows they make and the cheerful color.  Sadly I've yet to get any to grow in my own yard.

Day 110- Friday, 4/19/24

Cheers to the start of the weekend.  John made me an Aperol Spritz which feels very spring/summer like.  Our Friday night movie was The Beekeeper which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be and they did a good job working in the bee aspect of it all.   

Day 111- Saturday, 4/20/24

Outside play with Bailey where she looks like she is about to pounce on me and then more summer-vibe drinks since the whether is so nice.  This time Tahiti Tea which is very tropical and traditionally served in the carafes like this.

Day 112- Sunday, 4/21/24

There are many beautiful flowers by the pool that I snapped pictures of while on breaks from pulling weeds this morning--taking pictures is way more fun. In the afternoon it was Bailey bath time which she actually enjoys and will ask for but is getting too big for it to be the sink.


That's all for now.  See you next week as we start to wrap up April.  May is already looking to be quite eventful.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Week 15

Welcome back and happy Tuesday. Of course it's still mostly about puppy goodness around here. Thankfully this coming week will be all sunny and warm which helps us be able to take her outside and burn energy off.  Last week we weren't as lucky in that way. We also got some sad but expected news so we're ready for this newer brighter week ahead.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 99- Monday, 4/8/24

This was a fun way to start the week even if we didn't get to see the full eclipse in our area.  It was still cool to see the partial and follow how it changed over time.  The middle picture was my view through the glasses I had and later it was fun to watch the news and see how those in the full eclipse locations experienced it with the darkness and all.  Not much darkness where we were--no more than on a cloudy day but with no clouds.

Day 100- Tuesday, 4/9/24

Usually I work from home on Tuesdays but I had in-lab work that had to get done today.  At least the drive with the sunrise and Tule (low lying) fog was pretty.  Coming home I was impressed at how quickly all our plants out front came into bloom all at once. It sure looks like spring but we're expecting another a cold front moving in so it won't be pleasant out for much longer.

Day 101- Wednesday, 4/10/24

Wednesday at work we were using the microscope to count Babesia parasites in red blood cells on smears we made and stained yesterday.  After that I was happy to get out on this beautiful day and during my walk to another building I found this cute duck pair enjoying the grass in the shade.  Back at home we settled down for the evening to watch Survivor together.

Day 102- Thursday, 4/11/24

Me trying to keep this girl busy.  When she gets bored she looks for trouble and become destructive.  Thankfully she was happy to help me break down boxes in the garage and then after that it was still nice enough to play in the yard.  Unfortunately the wind is picking up and blowing in a storm so it will be a cold and wet for the next couple days.

Day 103- Friday, 4/12/24

TGIF!  Yesterday I was able to sneak out for haircut and color refresh.  The stylist blew my hair out which is something I never do anymore so I wore it that way today.  Also notice that I have a fall sweater back on because it's super cold out there.  No rain yet but nasty, cold wind and lots of clouds.  Rusty took advantage of my body warmth when I got home.  Sadly, today, we also got the news that John's dad, Richard, passed away.  He's not been well for awhile so we knew it was coming but that doesn't make it any easier.  I found these old pictures of him with John and the boys at their place in Oregon.  Rest in peace Richard Packham (9/21/1933 - 4/12/2024).

Day 104- Saturday, 4/13/24

It POURED rain ALL day and was another super cold one.  My heater has been working overtime.  Bailey is itching to go back outside because she hasn't been able to for a couple days now but at least she has a few new toys to help keep her busy.  She love this football that Tyler gave John for his birthday.  Later we watched this great true story movie that I've been wanting to see but waiting for the streaming price to drop.  It still wasn't free but at least low enough and didn't disappoint.

Day 105- Sunday, 4/14/24

Rusty likes to enjoy morning coffee with me in seclusion away from the puppy.  This his time to have me to himself and I'm good with that.  Yay for no more rain and some nice sunshine.  Once it dried out in the afternoon I was able to let Bailey enjoy the yard again.  Later Tyler was over for Sunday dinner and finally Bailey has completely warmed up to him so now I've been able to get a picture of each of our boys holding her.  She's getting so big and currently working on the command "down" as well as leash training.

That's all. Hope to see you back next week.