Welcome back and happy Tuesday! All is good here. We had a crazy thunderstorm roll through late last week but otherwise it's been near perfect out so we have been enjoying spring and embracing the small bits of rain we still get here and there. Otherwise more work, more puppy goodness and more fun.
Take a look at last week's pictures:
Starting the week with some springtime backyard goodness for Earth Day. Bailey likes watching the birds and squirrels out here.
Day 114- Tuesday, 4/23/24
The look on her face says, "I didn't do it!" but she surly did. For no good reason she decided to rip a hole in the drywall near her crate in the garage. We've since covered up access to this wall. As for inside she just received an upgrade to a larger donut bed and once she stopped trying to rip it apart she discovered how comfortable it is and settled in for a nice nap. Fun times in puppy land!
Day 115- Wednesday, 4/24/24
This windy day blew a neighbor's tree blossoms in our pool which looked kind of cool swirling around when the pump was running but not great for the pool filter. Also for a photo challenge I had to find a spring like fabric to highlight and the fabric for this top I just picked up at Target was perfect for the challenge.
It was "Take Your Child to Work Day" so our building had many fun and interactive ways to show our work to visiting kids. This was the lab's booth and I was running it using our outreach teaching items. We had a great turn out and everyone really enjoyed the marine mammal pelts and ecology game. Back in the day when my kids were younger it was "Take Your Daughter to Work Day" so I'm glad they have expanded that to be more inclusive. Back at home I was able to relax and unwind with a nice Rusty cat cuddle.
Day 117- Friday, 4/26/24
It was warm out but pouring rain with thunderstorms. It was coming down so hard and was so loud that it caught everyone's attention and Bailey was really have a good time checking out the downpour. It was a fun way to end the work week and perfect weather to settled down in for a scary movie on the Friday night.
Day 118- Saturday, 4/27/24
Our boys are all receiving test kits in the mail right now to screen for the gene mutation John has that led to the damage in his heart. If they have it and know about the risk will be a lot easier to manage and less damaging with regular monitoring. In puppy news Bailey got her final set of shots today and of course that whole experience completely wiped her out. This means she's now fully protected and we can start taking her out into the neighborhood for walks. She also now weighs 28 lbs so up 8 lbs from her last vet visit a month ago. With the puppy resting at home we were able to get out and enjoy a nice dinner with friends. After that the ride home was beautiful with a pretty colorful sunset.
Day 119- Sunday, 4/28/24
John made his way to Oregon today so he can be with his mother and brother to spread his dad's ashes on their ranch. Along the way he sent me these picture of Lake Shasta and Mount Shasta because he knew I would appreciate them. I grew up in that area and during the drought years the lake and mountain have looked so sad but now with our few years of good rain they are looking more like what I remember from back in the day. Meanwhile this puppy girl got a new frisbee that we have enjoyed playing with inside and out. It's just me and the pets for the next few days.
That wraps up another week and almost another month. I can't believe May starts next week. It will be a very busy and full month.