Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Week 16

Welcome back and happy Tuesday! Last week was amazing with no rain and wonderful spring-like, perfect conditions. We spent a lot of time outside to enjoy it. The only downside was the massive swarms of mosquitos. Dawn and dusk right now are not good times to be out there if one wants to avoid those nasty bites.

At any rate, take a look at the better parts of the week:

Day 106- Monday, 4/15/24

My roses out back are coming into a beautiful bloom and I was happy to see pictures of Justin living his best happy life trying to soak up all the goodness of Humboldt and a new relationship before moving home in May.

Day 107- Tuesday, 4/16/24

Bailey is officially too big to nap on my lap especially when she likes to sleep all stretched out like this.  Look how long she is. Also with warmer weather we've seen her start to pant which is so cute because it makes her look like she's smiling. 💗

Day 108- Wednesday, 4/17/24

Wednesday at work and then back at home seemed to be all about circles today-- first while waiting for my coffee order at Scrubs Café on campus and then at home playing ball with the pup on a rug with a circular pattern that is usually covered by our coffee table. 

Day 109- Thursday, 4/18/24

 Afternoon poppies on campus all over and so pretty.  I love the shadows they make and the cheerful color.  Sadly I've yet to get any to grow in my own yard.

Day 110- Friday, 4/19/24

Cheers to the start of the weekend.  John made me an Aperol Spritz which feels very spring/summer like.  Our Friday night movie was The Beekeeper which was actually a lot better than I thought it would be and they did a good job working in the bee aspect of it all.   

Day 111- Saturday, 4/20/24

Outside play with Bailey where she looks like she is about to pounce on me and then more summer-vibe drinks since the whether is so nice.  This time Tahiti Tea which is very tropical and traditionally served in the carafes like this.

Day 112- Sunday, 4/21/24

There are many beautiful flowers by the pool that I snapped pictures of while on breaks from pulling weeds this morning--taking pictures is way more fun. In the afternoon it was Bailey bath time which she actually enjoys and will ask for but is getting too big for it to be the sink.


That's all for now.  See you next week as we start to wrap up April.  May is already looking to be quite eventful.

1 comment:

  1. So glad Justin is enjoying a new relationship!! A puppy in the bath is just the cutest!
