Hello and welcome back as we start a new month. I like this time of year with clam and cool temps plus all the changes happening in nature before everything goes dormant for winter. Fall is very pleasant here and peaceful as long as the fires from high winds stay at bay.

We have a fun Halloween themed puppy class tonight and all the pups are supposed to dress up. It took some practice to get Bailey used to her costume and some good distractions to get her to leave it be but she did great along with all the other puppies at the party. What a cute group with my little witch and her dressed up friends!
Day 304- Wednesday, 10/30/24
Loving how the fall look is shaping up in the neighborhood. We see different changes daily on our walks. End of this week with the time change we'll be walking in the dark. I'm also all prepped and ready to pass out candy tomorrow.

Day 305- Thursday, 10/31/24
Happy Halloween! It was great having Justin here with us to get through it Bailey. He hasn't been home for Halloween in over 4 years and he loves to dress up and pass out candy. This helped us keep our cute witch calm and quiet. He set up a chair out front to pass out candy before the kids could reach the door so no doorbell or knocks tonight. Those 2 things make Bailey react and bark excessively so instead of a stressful night for her and us it was cool and relaxing. Cheers to Justin! He had a lot of fun too frightening the odder kids.
Day 306- Friday, 11/1/24
Happy November! Time to put away the scary stuff and bring out the turkeys. No Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving for us though. For our Friday night movie we saw this serial killer thriller which sounded like it was all about him being trapped in a concert while police were looking for him and it did start that way but there was a lot more to the story that happened outside the concert as the chase continued.
After such a full week this weekend was all about decompressing so we did get some chores done but also did a whole lot of nothing which felt nice for a change. John spent a lot of time watching college ball and Bailey joined him--can you see her feet peeking up? She fell to the side of him and just stayed that way--silly girl! Tonight we watched this new Michael Keaton movie and it was good but also sad since he was dealing dementia.
The "fall-back" time change happened today and Bailey spent her extra hour of "sleep" this morning collecting leaves from her yard and brining them in through the dog door creating a pile near her crate. Better that than rocks which she has also been known to collect and move inside. Sunday evenings we usually watch The Penguin series with Justin. It's so hard to believe that is Colin Farrell as the main character.
All done! Time to start prepping for Thanksgiving. The holiday season frenzy has officially started and as usual will fly by fast.
Glad Justin could make Halloween easier for Bailey!