Welcome back and happy Tuesday! The sunshine and dry weather lately has felt so nice and is a great mood booster plus we have many spring flowers popping up here and there so all the plants and trees are starting to come alive again. It's all so wonderful to see.
Now take a look at last week's pictures:
Today is Bailey's "Gotcha Day"! We have had her for a full year now and what a ride it has been--challenging at times but also very rewarding. She is a great addition to our family and we love her so much. She was so little back then and look at her now--queen of the couch! Today was also President's Day so I didn't have to work and could spend more time with her which was a fun treat for both of us.
We got a new Roomba since the battery fix on our old one didn't work which means it had bigger problems that could not be resolved. This one has a self emptying dock which makes it look like a mini toilet when not is use--lol! I think Rusty missed not having one for awhile and is intrigued by the new one. He likes tracking and stalking it safely from the stairs as it moves about doing its thing. Bailey on the other hand thinks it's an intruder and wants to bark at it and attack it. We can't have her inside when it's running until we work on conditioning her to ignore it.

Wednesday at work I'm waiting on my coffee as I prep for meetings and a date with hamsters. Back at home as I glanced out back I was pleasantly surprised to see an Easter bulb from last year actually in bloom. Now I'll have these cute daffodils to look forward to in my yard every spring--love them 🌾
Day 51- Thursday, 2/20/25
Girl's night out! We're all long time colleagues that still mange to get together a couple times a year to catch up. Two are retired and two still working but in different locations from each other now. We had a great time tonight at the Davis Wine Bar.
Day 52- Friday, 2/21/25
My roses from last week have opened all the way up and are still looking great although I know they'll been done by mid next week. Also here are a few of Justin's photos he's taken this month. That bald eagle is his favorite at the raptor center and he always has good stories to tell about their adventures together. Later the Friday night movie we streamed was this intense thriller that kept us on edge.
It's feeling more and more like spring and has been dry for more than a few days now so we headed out on a nice long sunny walk to the levee today. This is the first time Bailey has been here so it was fun for her to smell all the new smells, see and hear all the birds, and it's a good distance so it also wore her out.

Day 54- Sunday, 2/23/25
All done! The last week in February is up next. It boggles the mind how the months just fly by.
Happy Gotcha Day to Bailey!! Happy end of February!