I'm so happy to be close to the end of May--almost there! Only 3 weeks of school left for the kids. Summer is so much more peaceful, easy going, and fun. I can't wait! I even think I'm more excited about the end of the school year than my boys but they'll get there. It was yet another bad weather week with lots of wind, rain, and coldness What happened to May? We usually have warm, even hot, weather in May but these past two years have not followed suit. I'm so looking forward to putting the rain behind us and heading into more sunny days. It puts me in a better mood and certainly makes swimming a lot more enjoyable for my own little school of fish ;0)
Take a look at last week's pictures-
Take a look at last week's pictures-
Here is Tyler on the "ready bench" at our first ever swim meet. We had a lot to learn and even though it looks sunny it was windy and cold out. The boys did great though and are looking forward to the next one. I'm very proud of them.
Day 135- Sunday, 05/15/11
Day 135- Sunday, 05/15/11
Tonight is the Survivor Finale--congrats Boston Rob! We have been watching survivor as a family ever since Tyler was born over 12 yrs ago. I love how my boys really get into it even my 6 yr old who makes some amazing and insightful observations about the way certain people play the game. We are already counting down the days until the next season starts.
Day 136- Monday, 05/16/11
Day 136- Monday, 05/16/11
It's always a good day when the most recent Lego catalog shows up in the mail. My boys take turns pouring over it and drooling over the new releases. Harry Potter Legos are big right now. Tyler has his eye on a new expansion for the Hogwarts Castle, Brandon wants the Diagon Alley set, and Justin is inspired by the new Hero Factory characters.

Day 137- Tuesday, 05/17/11
Day 137- Tuesday, 05/17/11
I should have just stayed in bed today. It was not my day at all-- I flooded the downstairs bathroom first thing in the morning, work was almost to crazy to cope, traffic coming home was stopped on the causeway for an accident (as you can see I'm going nowhere fast), I was over 30 min late picking my kids up from school which has NEVER happened and brought me near tears, it's mid May and the weather is crap, plus I got soaked waiting for Tyler during a torrential down pour at swim practice. Blah!
Day 138- Wednesday, 05/18/11
Day 138- Wednesday, 05/18/11
On a happier note, this is one of our family's favorite books--Actual Size by Steve Jenkins. Tyler got it as a gift when he was a baby and we've passed it down through the years. Now when Brandon drags it out even the older ones gather around to marvel at the actual size of the amazing animals in this book.

Day 139- Thursday, 05/19/11
Day 139- Thursday, 05/19/11
John is helping Justin look something up on the computer. Justin has been asking more and more to use the computer to look up video game cheats and in this case to design a Hero Factory Lego character of his own. It's a new feature at lego.com he discovered in that catalog that came Tuesday.
Day 140- Friday, 05/20/11
Day 140- Friday, 05/20/11
We have another swim meet tomorrow so everyone pitched in to get the house cleaned today. It's not the best way to spend our Friday afternoon but it has to be done now because we'll be way too tired after swimming tomorrow. The best thing I've ever taught my boys is how to help with the chores. Everything gets done so much faster with all hands on deck. Tyler, as the oldest, is the biggest help of course, but the others are learning to pull their weight too. My future daughter-in-laws will thank me some day.
That wraps up this week.
Thanks for stopping by and see you next Tuesday!
Thanks for stopping by and see you next Tuesday!
I didn't watch this season of survivor, but if you're saying congrats to boston rob I'm going to have to go find it! he was always my favorite!
ReplyDeleteGreat pictures. Love the one of your son helping out. I have a son who always helps me.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week♥