Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Week 46

It's nice to be home with my boys this week, for the most part anyway.  I went into work briefly this morning to care for those darn bugs, but I'm back home and won't have to go in again until Friday morning.  I plan to do some baking and maybe watch a movie or two with my boys or try out a new board game.  Anything but work!

Now for last week's pictures:

Day 316- Saturday, 11/12/11
Justin and Brandon are taking a break and resting in the fall leaves while on a bike ride this beautiful autumn day.  They love going on long bike rides which is great motivation for me to get out there and join them.

Day 317- Sunday, 11/13/11
We made a family favorite for dinner tonight--homemade pizza.  The boys have helped make this meal ever since each one was two and there is nothing like it.  I love that they all want to be involved and enjoy the process just as much as the result.

Day 318- Monday, 11/14/11
Walk sits--he thinks they are fun, I think they are torture.  Every time my exercise app on the phone says, "Next up, wall sit." Brandon comes running to join me.  I may hate them but they work.  I've now lost 10 lbs after 8 weeks of counting and burning calories.

Day 319- Tuesday, 11/15/11
I took Bella for an early afternoon walk today since John has karate with the boys tonight, and I have a parent meeting for a new group Justin is joining.  It was kind of nice not to walk her in the dark.  We're enjoying the warm sun and fall color while we can.  It was a very pleasant and peaceful walk. I wish I could take her this early everyday but our usual time is more like 6:30pm after homework, dinner and the sun is done. 

Day 320- Wednesday, 11/16/11
It's cold out and nothing warms the house better than turning on the oven and cooking a nice hot meal.  Oven fried chicken is what's for dinner tonight.

Day 321- Thursday, 11/17/11
Tyler is waiting patiently for his friends to come pick him up for youth group.  I'm glad he enjoys it so much and that he and his friends have a safe place to hang out together.

Day 322- Friday, 11/18/11
It's Friday! and as I loaded up my car to head home I turned around and saw this beautiful rainbow.  What a wonderful way to start to my much needed vacation.  I'll gladly follow this rainbow all the way home.

That's all for this week
Have a happy Thanksgiving and see you next Tuesday!

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