Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Week 35

Welcome to September!  How did that happen? This time of year always speeds by so fast.  My oldest will be 15 in a few weeks then it's Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.  The year is almost over!!  OK, OK--slow down!  I'm not ready for all that just yet.  Let's take it one day at a time and just breathe. We'll start by taking a look at last week.  You'll see a lot of sports and homework and maybe a little food and wine ;0)

Day 238- Monday, 8/26/13
Tonight it's panini for dinner.  We still have meat left over from John's grilling on the weekend so that's perfect for making sandwiches especially on a weeknight when there is not much time or energy for making dinner.

Day 239- Tuesday, 8/27/13
Tyler's high school water polo season has officially started.  We are at their first game to see how the new JV team works together.  Tyler is still number 5.  It was actually a very painful game to watch.  They looked lost without the older players who are now on the varsity team, but somehow still managed to pull off a win.

Day 240- Wednesday, 8/28/13
So far this year the homework has been much easier for Justin.  He's not struggling or taking hours to finish, and we are all so happy about that.  I'm pretty sure it will mostly stay that way too because he has many teachers that simply do not like to give lots of homework--yay!  He's having a snack and finishing up before enjoying the rest of his afternoon.  It was a minimum day today because it's back-to-school night for them.

Day 241- Thursday, 8/29/13
I'm giving Brandon a pre-test on his spelling words.  Doesn't he look thrilled?  Thankfully he's a good speller and doesn't need much practice, but he has a "spelling contract" to complete for the week and a pre-test is an easy way to get points for that.

Day 242- Friday, 8/30/13
Justin's tennis time has changed from mornings to afternoons with the start of school which wouldn't be too bad if it weren't so hot.  It was 100 degrees out as he practiced today.  HOT, HOT, HOT especially on that court!  I've got to get him to start wearing a hat.

Day 243- Saturday, 8/31/13
Wow!  Big exciting day!!  This picture makes me so happy.  We are in Napa at a water polo tournament and our JV boys actually won the entire 2-day event (they were here Friday too).  They played some amazing games and looked like a completely different team from Tuesday.  I'm not sure what happened but things just clicked.  Their confidence and team work was quite impressive.  I love their smiles here.  They are so excited, and I think a little surprised :0)  What a great bunch!

Day 244- Sunday, 9/1/13
It's September 1st!  Time for my monthly marker.  John is grilling again, and we are entertaining guests so I made some summer sangria for us to enjoy.  Thank goodness tomorrow is a holiday.  I need that extra weekend day just to play catch up at home.

All done!  I still can't believe it's September.  Dare I say Christmas will be here before you know it?!  It's time to start prepping for our Hawaii trip too ;0)  Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I'll see you next Tuesday.



  1. Love the spelling list shot. I do that with my boy too. He loves it about as much as yours :) Love the water polo--way to go on the win! Hope you had a good long weekend and a great week!

  2. Oh how I despised too much homework! I loved the teachers, usually those with kids themselves, who went light on the homework.

  3. Looks like your boys are doing great back at school and in sports! That summer sangria looks delicious! Happy September :-)

  4. I just got a panini maker and am so excited to use it.
    What are some of your favorite "recipes" for it?

    A trip to Hawaii!?!?! I'm so jealous!!!
    Can I go in your suitcase? :)

    Congrats to Tyler on the water polo win!
