Hey there! Welcome to Tuesday :0) Last week was a really great week for us as you will see. It's nice when we can escape even during or maybe especially during the busiest times of the year. We had to give up and miss a few things but what we gained in return was priceless. There is nothing better than good, active, family fun. Hopefully everyone can carve out some time here and there to help make that happen. You won't regret it.
Take a look at how we made it happen last week:
It's Martin Luther King day, and I'm home with the boys. John gave me my birthday present early so I could play. I was planning to make calzones for dinner and this beauty made it all the easier especially since I needed a double batch to feed my growing boys. They turned out great!
Day 20- Tuesday, 1/20/15
Junior year is the year of testing and now that Tyler's 1st semester is over and he has an easier course load next semester it's time to start studying for all these exams. The books are taking over his room. I'm so glad I'm past this stage in my life. At least he's cool with it and has a plan. First up is the SAT in March, then all those AP tests in May and right as summer starts the ACT before re-taking the SAT at the end of summer. ACK! His brain will be filled to the max and tested out.
This cat! I like to sit with my leg over the arm of the chair, and he likes to rest with his chin sitting right there. He's one of the only reasons I slow down and sit for a good length of time. What choice do I have really?
Day 22- Thursday, 1/22/15
It's time to celebrate my birthday. Thursday is a good day to have a birthday in this house. Tuesday is the worst day but, Thursday is alright--not much going on at least on this Thursday anyway. John made me a nice steak dinner and then we had cake and ice-cream without having to rush or wait on anyone. It was nice!
Time to pack up the winter boots and head to the mountains for a weekend getaway at Northstar. We left just after the kids got out of school and are all excited to spend the weekend here in the village. This is my happy place. I can't help but be happy here. It's got the most amazing vibe.
Today was a ski day. It felt like spring out which is great but also sad because it's only January and we need so much more snow. Thanks goodness Northstar has great snow making machines to keep all the main runs open. We still had an amazing time and all enjoyed skiing TOGETHER.
It's our last day here, but before we headed home we made time to play in the snow and have some fun tubing. There wasn't really enough good snow to make a snowman so instead the boys made an arsenal of snowballs to pelt each other with while waiting for our tubing hour to start. It was so warm out--even warmer than yesterday that we were shedding layers before we even made it back to the bottom of the mountain. Hopefully some more cold and wet storm systems will move in over the next couple months to help restore this winter wonderland.
Wait! One more:
January's Family Photo
Look at that Lake Tahoe view! The Epic Mix photo team was perfectly positioned to take pictures in this amazing location so we took them up on the offer and got this month's family photo done. Forget that you can barely make out who we are with all the ski gear on, it's still a great picture that we'll look back on fondly and laugh at one day because of the memories and those winter clothes. My family has a picture like this from when I was Justin's age (13 also at Northstar) and yep, the gear and clothing choices were interesting to say the least. LOL!
OK, that's it. I told you we had fun and can't wait to do it again next year. Where's your happy place? Find the time to escape there with the family and enjoy!