Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 30

Hello and happy Tuesday!  It's super early and this needs to be quick because I'm about to catch a flight to LA and then to Cabo San Lucas.  WooHoo!  So excited to be going on a real vacation with my family.  We all need this escape. 

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 201- Monday, 7/20/15
I must be out of my mind taking on a responsibility like this, but at least Vice President is a pretty simple job or so I hope.  We had our first board meeting tonight which was long but productive, and we have a fun group of ladies on the board so it will be great, right?  The joys of having a senior!

Day 202- Tuesday, 7/21/15
It bet you were expecting Tuesday tennis for this boy, but today is a bigger day than that.  He did have 3 tennis matches and won them all, but he also tested for his black belt today and passed!!!!  We're so proud.  He was super nervous, and at one point I wasn't sure it would actually happen, but he did it, and he's so happy he's done.  Way to go Justin!  This make our second black belt in the house and Brandon is soon to follow.  Go get 'em boys!

Day 203- Wednesday, 7/22/15
We're trying our best to help with the drought.  Our poor lawn and trees are not happy so we've been collecting shower water to add to the thirsty plants.  It's a sign of the times, and it's not been easy to train the boys to dump their water after each shower, but they are learning and will hopefully be more  conscience of water use for years to come.

Day 204- Thursday, 7/23/15
Yay!  Last day of swim practice.  Gotta love the swim hair.  This boy needs a hair cut and soon.  Even though they were officially done with swim 2 weeks ago, since we are not going to champs, I still had them go to practice.  It's good exercise for them and a great way to beat the heat.  All done now!

Day 205- Friday, 7/24/15
TGIF!  This afternoon the boys and I caught up on some recorded shows and watched America's Got Talent together after camp and work.  Rusty was happy to see me relaxing for a change and decided to join us.  I have a super long to-do-list that I should be working on for our Mexico trip but hey, it's Friday so I need to chill first.  This weekend I'll bang that list out :0)

Day 206- Saturday, 7/25/15
One of the first things on that list was a trip to Natomas to get Brandon a new pair of shoes.  He can be brutal on his shoes and wore a hole clean through the outer edge of both sides.  Thankfully we found a new pair he likes and on sale.  Now to get him a new sweatshirt--one that's not all chewed up on the sleeve by him. I swear, this kid!  He'll be the death of me!!

Day 207- Sunday, 7/26/15
Awe--Tyler!  I miss him.  He's been working long hours all week so thank goodness for late start Sunday shifts.  I swear I never see him anymore now that his internship is over.  He will have worked 8 straight days before we go on vacation.  Everyone will be happy to actually spend some good quality time with him in Mexico.

That's it!  See you next week after we return from our trip!  Pray for safe travels.


  1. Congrats to Justin on his black belt and winning his tennis matches! I hope you all enjoy Mexico!
