Welcome back and happy Tuesday. Wow! This week will be really busy with the start of water polo practice, high school freshman orientation (2 days!), and senior seminar plus back-to-school shopping, parent meetings, and dr. appointments. One day at a time. School starts in one week! I wish we could just enjoy these last few days, but there is too much prep work to do and somehow I've got to figure out how to continue my lab work through it all. At least once the kids are back in school we'll have a more normal routine that will help make things run a lot smoother or so I hope!
Until then take a look at last week's picture:
Day 215- Monday, 8/3/15
These are the only things thriving in my backyard right now. Justin's peppers are doing great, and we were happy to see a lot of bright red peppers ready for picking when we returned from Mexico. Last year he planted peppers he thought would be red, but they ended up being green peppers so this year he made a point of selecting a plant that would give him true red peppers. Of course they start off green which had him worried they would never turn but they did and now he's thrilled.
Day 216- Tuesday, 8/4/15
Rusty has been very clingy and playful since our return. He follows me everywhere, and if I sit even just for a second he's either got to be right in my lap or sitting right next to me. Both the pets missed us and are happy we are back where we belong. Just wait until we leave them again this weekend! Poor things. At least our sweet neighbor girl, Amanda, takes great care of them for us.
Day 217- Wednesday, 8/5/15
Brandon has always loved plush toys and right now he's into the Minecraft plushes. He got a couple new ones for his birthday and enjoys playing with them on his bed. That darn wolf he wanted so bad had to come all the way from China. At least Amazon had free shipping and the price was normal for a plush like that. I really hate the sellers on Amazon that try to scalp you with their insanely inflated prices for hard to find items.
Day 218- Thursday, 8/6/15
Justin and I are at Target stocking up on food for our camping trip this weekend and of course we'll be needing the stuff to make s'mores.
After work, tennis, and day camp we headed to the hills for a short camping trip. Last year was the first year we didn't camp in ages so the kids really wanted to make sure it happened this year. We're squeezing it in at the last minute, but at least we're here and with a great group of friends too. This is Lake Rollins in the foothills.
Here is our little tent city at sunrise. It's so nice and peaceful this early. We are camping with 5 other families, and I'm really glad Tyler could rearrange his work schedule so he could join us. The outdoors agrees with him. It was a full day chillin, grillin and hanging by the campfire.
This is our last day so we're saying goodbye to the lake and packing things up to head home. We had to leave early so Tyler could be home in time for work just after lunch which actually worked out perfectly. We got all packed before it got too hot and became unbearable to manage. That's it for camping until next year. It's fun but sure is a lot of work. I think I prefer showing up to a hotel and having everything all ready for me to just relax, but we did that last week so you gotta rough it some time. Plus the kids really love camping, and I love to see them happy ;0)
That's all. This week will fly by with so many things going on but maybe just maybe next week we can all settle into a new normal. We'll see ya then!
Summer is wrapping up - a camping trip sounds like a great way to do stretch summer!
ReplyDeleteI so agree with you on the camping versus hotel. I much prefer the hotel :) glad you got to go, though. It looks like a pretty place! Hope your last week of summer goes well!