Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Week 39

It's Tuesday again!  Welcome back.  Things here are as crazy as ever.  I miss those slower summer days.  This coming week has not started well.  Yesterday there was a car AND an air conditioner repair.  Ouch!  But at least they were both taken care of quickly and we can now move on.  I'm glad it's Tuesday and we're past the Monday blues.

Here's a look at last week's pictures:

Day 264- Monday, 9/21/15
Someone was so happy about his 6th grade progress report he ran all the way to the car after school to show me and was beaming with pride.  I'm glad to he's got that spark back and want to do well.  I'm not sure where it went last year and why but it doesn't matter.  He's in a good place this year and we'll take it!  Middle school agrees with him :0)

Day 265- Tuesday, 9/22/15
Game #1 for the week is at Laguna.  The boys are lined up and ready to rumble.  It's a great day out to be sitting poolside watching some polo and it's nice to see them play well.

Day 266- Wednesday, 9/23/15
Happy Birthday Tyler!  He's 17 today.  I made cupcakes to take to game #2.  It was an intense and violent match in Rio Linda that unfortunately did not end well for us. That kind of put a damper on the birthday festivities, but we still tried to make the most of it.  Presents always help ;0)

Day 267- Thursday, 9/24/15
Pope Francis is here in America and made it to New York today.  I really like this Pope and the way he thinks, and I hope we did him proud.  In honor of his visit I'm enjoying a glass of red wine as I watch the season premire of Grey's Anatomy.  This is a bottle Bella would approve of.

Day 268- Friday, 9/25/15
Date night--dinner and a movie for us.  We had gift cards that inspired us to get out.  Everest was wonderful movie even with a hard ending.  You gotta give props to the people who attempt to conquer this mountain.  Nothing about it looks even slightly appealing to me except maybe the scenery, but that's what I watched the movie for!

Day 269- Saturday, 9/26/15
Today was a busy day for this guy.  He gave blood this morning, went out to dinner with the family at Sapporo Grill, enjoyed the cake I finally had time to bake him, and then was surprised at a party thrown in his honor by his wonderful group of friends.  His actual birthday may not have been the best, but it was made up to him today and was well deserved.

Day 270- Sunday, 9/27/15
I've been wanting to take the boys to the annual reptile show here in Sacramento for years but have never gotten around to it until today.  Both Justin and Brandon had a blast.  There was so much to see and touch.  Of course they wish they could have brought something home, but we were just there to look.  The cat and dog we have are more than enough for now.

Wait!  One more:

September's Family Photo

Here we all are at Sapporo Grill enjoying a nice dinner with the birthday boy.  He requested Japanese food and was not disappointed.

Ok that wraps it up.  Thanks for stopping by and see you next week.


  1. You packed a ton into this week! So glad he's liking middle school and doing well! And happy birthday, Tyler!!

  2. Busy week for you! Wow! That family dinner looks yummy! Glad you were able to get a date night in. Those are so important! I want to see that Everest movie. I have read a few books that the movie is based on and it is so interesting. Amazing! Going to Base Camp (but no farther) is on my bucket list :) Happy Birthday to Tyler and congrats middle school is going so well this year !! have a great week!

  3. Happy Birthday to Tyler!! The family dinner to celebrate looks yummy! The photo is great, too! That reptile show looks really cool. I'm glad I at least have one son to enjoy something like that with. He's already crazy about reptiles. Enjoy the rest of your week!
