Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Week 7

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Apparently February for us is a dry month although I hear rumors of a storm moving in for Wed and Thur.  We'll see.  Sadly I think it will be a warm one which is not good for the mountains and our snow pack, but we'll take what we can get and pray for a March miracle.  This past weekend was super fun and a much needed break.  The boys and I had a 4-day weekend.  What a treat!  I could use a few more of those.  At least we made the most of it and now have spring break to look forward to.  March will be an interesting month!  Waiting, waiting, waiting on all those college decisions and applying like crazy for scholarships.  Senior year is no joke.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 39- Monday, 2/8/16
Mondays are hard especially the Monday after the Super Bowl.  LOL!  Thank goodness for early evening naps.  Wish I could nap like that.  He and the pets are great at it.  Me and the kids not so much.

Day 40- Tuesday, 2/9/16
Tyler had a minimum day at school so we took advantage of the extra time and went to the passport doctor to get his typhoid vaccine and malaria pills for a Costa Rica and Niagara trip early summer.  Who knew there were special passport/travel doctors?  We actually learned a lot and it was good for him to hear it from a professional and not just from his mom!  One less thing to worry abut before June. Check!

Day 41- Wednesday, 2/10/16
Tennis is going well for Justin so far.  His coach was able to get us a good deal on some new shoes which came in today and he also got a new shirt.  Rusty is interested in that new shoe smell and totally photo bombed our picture ;0)

Day 42- Thursday, 2/11/16
More signs of spring out front.  My yard is in bloom but it's a bit early so I'm a little afraid this won't end well.  Time will tell.  I guess I should get some pruning done before it's too late.

Day 43- Friday, 2/12/16
The kids had no school today for the start of President's day weekend, and the pets needed their annual visit to the vet so we made a trip of it.  Two kid and two pets--a bit much but it all went well so can't complain.  Bella loves it there because it means treats for her, and look at her attentively watching the door gap to see when her friends will be back.  The cat on the other hand was happy to stay in his box and hide although he did get a bit curious at the end and popped his head out to take a peek.  Another thing done--check and check! 

Day 44- Saturday, 2/13/16
This was our Valentine's night to avoid the craziness tomorrow.  After a nice dinner on the river we spent the night celebrating in Old Sacramento and had a great time acting like we were young and crazy again.

Day 45- Sunday, 2/14/16
Happy Valentine's Day!  Justin and I made a special dessert for the family and John and I exchanged chocolates.  I got these beautiful roses and a nice diamond bracelet too.  You can see it just peeking out of the sleeve of my sweater.  My sweetheart knows just how to spoil me.

Ok--That's it!  Hope to see you back next week.


  1. Great week! How exciting Tyler will get to travel to South America!

  2. So with you there on the college applications and scholarships! Ugh! Exciting trip coming up for Tyler, though! That is awesome! Love your flower shot! We are just still winter dead and gray. Looking forward to spring. Love your date photo and Valentine's day! Isn't it nice to be loved and spoiled? Have a great week!

  3. I'm glad you all enjoyed your 4-day weekend! You and your hubby are so cute together. Looks like you guys had a great date night and Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!
