Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Week 42

Hello and welcome back to Tuesday.  We had a nice overnight rain last week that really helped clear the air and dampen the fires.  The weather otherwise has been perfect for comfortable fall days which makes it nice to be outside.  We could use more rain but I'm not really ready for all that to start yet. The early-morning, low-sitting fog will do for now.  It seems more fitting for a spooky October.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 288- Sunday, 10/15/17
While John worked to make a large batch of chili verde for dinner I powered through the laundry that haunts me each weekend.

Day 289- Monday, 10/16/17
These two enjoy basking in the afternoon fall sun.  This is the only place Rusty will sit on Brandon's lap so it's become an after school thing for them. 

Day 290- Tuesday, 10/17/17
I'm loving our patch pumpkins in the entry way.  We picked some good ones with year.  It's also time for a batch of pumpkin bread.  I'll be sending two of the small loaves to Tyler in a care package even though his brothers strongly object with that idea.  They'd like it all for themselves.

Day 291- Wednesday, 10/18/17
It's double star day at Starbucks and a minimum day for Brandon so we went in for an afternoon treat on this warmer fall day.  It won't be long before we are switching to hot afternoon drinks.

Day 292- Thursday, 10/19/17
Both the pets quickly make their way to the sliding door when I open it for some fresh air.  They can't get enough and are even nice about sharing.

Day 293- Friday, 10/20/17
A perfect late dinner after a chilly ride home from practice is warm grilled cheese and ham.  He already ate the rest of his dinner while waiting for the sandwich to cook.  Poor starving teenage boy!

Day 294- Saturday, 10/21/17
I finally made it a cross-country meet to see Justin run and it was fun--a super chilly start but ended with a perfect fall afternoon.  There are only a few more meets left which is hard to believe.  Later John and I headed to the local wine country near the foothills for a tasting and then dinner with friends.  It was a full and beautiful weekend day.

That's it!  See you all next week.


  1. Glad you got some rain and the fires are slowing! Cross country is over here. We love pumpkin bread too. I can see why your boys don't want to share, but Tyler is going to love them! Grilled cheese is a favorite at our house too! Yum! Have a great week!

  2. Pumpkin bread and grilled cheese - yum!! Justin looks great running.
