Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Week 31

Hi all and welcome back.  It's Tuesday and I'm a week behind because we were on vacation most of last week.  These pictures today will be from 2 weeks ago and then in a couple days I'll share the shots from last week.  There's just too much to pull together for today and that's ok. I'm fine with spacing it out.  It's been super busy lately but also fun with a lot of good family time thrown in which is just how I like it.

Here's a look at Week 31 in pictures:

Day 211- Monday, 7/30/18
Justin had his wisdom teeth pulled today.  He did really well and is recovering nicely.  The hardest part is not being able to eat especially for a growing teenage boy.  The liquid/soft foods are just not as filling and he thinks he's starving. 

Day 212- Tuesday, 7/31/18
Happy Birthday to Brandon who turns 14 today.  The first picture was taken Sunday when we actually celebrated because everyone was home then.  The second picture is today with him having some leftover cake after dinner.

Day 213- Wednesday, 8/1/18
How is it August already?  I'm not a fan of summer break ending so soon.  Rusty was reluctantly kind enough to pose with my monthly marker as long as it didn't get too close to him.  Sorry kitty, you're the only one home right now.

Day 214- Thursday, 8/2/18
Speaking of summer ending, this is pretty much the last run for tennis club.  Brandon has been biking to the courts almost every weekday this summer to play which has been a great way to get him out of the house and off the computer.  He also got a new racket for his birthday since he outgrew his old one and has had to borrow one in the right size for the past few weeks.

Day 215- Friday, 8/3/18
Time for a night out on the town with some good friends.  TGIF and cheers to the weekend.

Day 216- Saturday, 8/4/18
We spent most the day packing for our last minute summer getaway.  Brandon was also giving extra attention to Bella because he knows we have to leave her behind and that she doesn't like it one bit.

Day 217- Sunday, 8/5/18
And were off to sunny San Diego with clear blue skies.  I'm not sad to be leaving the smoky air behind.  First stop was Old Town for a good Mexican feast before heading to the harbor where we explored the USS Midway air-craft carrier.   This retired ship turned into a museum was really interesting and so HUGE.  Then we headed up to Ocean Beach and settled into our rental home located right on the ocean.  It's the one on top in the middle and we can catch amazing sunsets here which is a fabulous way to end the day and week.

That's it for now.  Check back Thursday and I should have last week's pictures up.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Justin! Hope he's all better now. Happy birthday Brandon too!!
    Enjoy SD!!
