Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Week 45

Happy Tuesday and welcome back! Of course I'm running late since it's a Tuesday after a holiday.  It's nice to have the day off but sadly that just means double the work when starting back at it.  Thank you to all the Veteran's who serve to protect our country.  You most certainly deserve a day where we honor you.  Now as for last week, we had a great, no wind, no fire, warm week so there are a lot of outside nature pictures here. I think it's safe to say this is Indian summer type of weather and it feels wonderful. Those earlier dark evenings from the time change really get to me though.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 308- Monday, 11/4/19
Our neighborhood park on a fine fall day right at the golden hour.  It's the perfect place to stroll through.

Day 309- Tuesday 11/5/19
All the Halloween looking pumpkins are put away, but I like to leave out the fall looking ones through Thanksgiving before dragging out any Christmas decorations.  I still want my house to look and feel like fall until December.

Day 310- Wednesday, 11/6/19
After a nice warm chicken dinner Brandon headed out in the dark to walk Bella.  And look, there is even a dog site commercial on the TV just for her.

Day 311- Thursday, 11/7/19
Today was a field day for work so we got to spend the day on the coast at Tamales Bay.  It was a bit foggy and chilly at first but once the fog cleared it ended up being a beautiful day at a beautiful place.  It's nice to get out of the lab and off campus every now and then.

Day 312- Friday, 11/8/19
Humboldt State posted the top picture on Instagram and I'd recognize that jacket and those buttons anywhere--hello Justin!  Love this picture so much because it's so him.  The school had a photographer take some pictures of him to use as an intro for when he takes over their IG page for a week in Feb and I guess they decided to use this shot now.  Back at home I'm learning to get out before dinner to walk this girl so we still have light and can see to enjoy the fall color while it lasts.

Day 313- Saturday, 11/9/19
This evening we crossed the bridge into downtown Sacramento to catch another Steven King movie. We took Brandon with us this time and he did his homework making sure to watch the Shining before seeing this sequel.  Good flick.

Day 314- Sunday, 11/10/19
Chore day--we're still cleaning up after the wind storms.  John worked hard out back to fix some broken fence pieces and he also cleaned up the pool.  It looks so much better.  I focused on trimming things up in the front yard while Brandon mowed both the front and back lawns.  Thank goodness we have another day off to look forward to.

That's it!  Only a couple weeks until Thanksgiving.  Can't wait to have the older boys home for a bit.  See you next week.


  1. So amazing for Justin to be on the IG page/taking over!

  2. How fun for Justin to be on the IG page! What a fun place for a field day at work! Glad you had an uneventful weather week and hope it continues! Your baked chicken looks yummy!!! Have a great week!
