Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Week 46

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  This is the last work week before Thanksgiving break and I'm looking forward to being home next week with my family.  It will be great to have all 3 boys home again.  We're still enjoying the nice fall weather and hoping that maybe some rain and snow will be in the forecast soon.  The last thing we need is to get back into a drought cycle.  I'm ready for winter to be here especially since December is just around the corner.

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 315- Monday, 11/11/19
We're home for Veteran's Day and enjoying a nice big breakfast together which doesn't happen often enough these days.

Day 316- Tuesday, 11/12/19
A beautiful fall sunrise over the Davis campus and some fall leaves on the campus grounds in the afternoon.  I don't usually see these shapes in my neighborhood.  It's fun to spot different fallen leaves in different areas.

Day 317- Wednesday, 11/13/19
Finally after almost 2 weeks of tryouts and 2 rounds of cuts Brandon made the JV basketball team and that's his golden ticket--a very full schedule of games and tournaments.

Day 318- Thursday, 11/14/19
Today I spent the afternoon with some high school kids in an Animal Science class doing outreach.  They were a great group and wrote me a nice thank you note.  Check out the high-tech visitor badge.  They scanned my license to to get the picture and check me in.  Never had that done before--sign of the times, and I guess it's good since you can never be too careful these days especially at the schools.

Day 319- Friday, 11/15/19
What the heck?  I've never seen or heard of Buddha's Hand fruit before today.  I guess it's a citrus lemony-type fruit.  I was tempted to buy one but decided to just take a picture instead.  LOL!  After that quick trip to the market Brandon and I headed to Woodland for his first couple of games.  Sadly there was more waiting than playing and we didn't get home until after 9pm.  It ended up being an unexpectedly super long Friday.

Day 320- Saturday, 11/16/19
Yep- the craziness has begun.  We're out early for another game in the opposite direction but this time more playing than waiting so it was fairly quick.  I got back in time for lunch and then yard work.  I'm trying to get through the fall prune before rain starts.  I actually filled this whole yard waste bucket today so I made good progress but am only about half way done in the back.

Day 321- Sunday, 11/17/19
Today is a good day for a catnaps.  The whole Disney + thing also happened for us this weekend but we didn't have time to watch.  I want to see the Mandalorian but also want to wait and watch it with the boys when they are home on break.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you next week.  


  1. Love the sunset picture! Congrats on the basketball team! Our practices start this week, but no games until after Thanksgiving. Enjoy your Thanksgiving with all your family!!

  2. Congrats on the JV team!! Happy almost break week. We have school 2.5 days next week ):

    1. Tyler at UCLA has classes through Wed so won't fly in until midnight then. Wish the school would give at least one day to travel and they purposely have tests, labs, and points for attendance on Wed to prevent students from skipping out early. Enjoy your holiday!
