Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 49

Welcome back and happy Tuesday.  Last week was all about rain, Christmas prep, and basketball.  This week it will be mostly about basketball with 5 games to look forward to and hopefully no rain but a little more Christmas prep. We're busy as usual or maybe even more than usual but that's the holidays for you.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 336- Monday, 12/2/19
We started our week with rain and a lot of it for just one day.  Commuting to work was less than fun but slow and steady did the trick.  At home we have our advent wreath and advent calendar out to help us count down the weeks and days until Christmas.

Day 337- Tuesday, 12/3/19
Today was a home basketball game and the boys received their new warm-up shirts to use for the rest of the season.  I like the design.  It was also a sunny day with no rain but wait for it . . .

Day 338- Wednesday, 12/4/19
Yep--another very wet and wild day.  No basketball but lots of rain and a monthly Booster meeting that forced me out into it. 

Day 339- Thursday, 12/5/19
At work we banged out over 1800 antigen slides to freeze back for use later.  Our goal was to get them done before winter break.  They are all made but we are still working on fixing the last few sets so it's a good thing we still have a couple more weeks.  After work Brandon and I headed to Woodland (thankfully no rain) for day 1 of a 3-day tournament and here are the boys warming up in those new shirts.

Day 340- Friday, 12/6/19
As you can see through the car window it's pouring rain again and it's late.  We just got out of day 2 at the Woodland basketball tournament.  This car is where Brandon and I will spend most of our time together the next couple months driving to and from basketball games.  At least we were able to return to a nice, warm, cozy, and festive home.

Day 341- Saturday, 12/7/19
Today it was scattered showers with mostly angry skies.  No rain heading to Woodland for the last game of the week where the boys took 3rd place in the tournament but plenty of rain coming home.  It poured even harder just after we returned and then there was a good break with the sun popping out so Bella and I went for a walk and saw this beautiful rainbow.

Day 342- Sunday, 12/8/19
Today I was blessed with a peaceful, quiet, and slow morning where I could enjoy the lights of the tree just as the sun came up.  Later after a few loads of laundry I was able to work by the tree on Christmas cards and yep this year that requires reading glasses for my aging eyes. *sigh*

That's it!  See you next week although I'll mostly be in a gym again watching more basketball.


  1. Lots of rain! And even more basketball!!! busy week! Have a great week!!

  2. All the rain but then the rainbow!
