Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week 6

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Last week was busy and went by super fast.  A lot of things are happening at work and at home plus with the college kids.  Sometimes it's hard to keep it all straight, but I'm doing my best and happy to keep charging on.  At least there is another long weekend coming up that will bring a much needed break.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 34- Monday, 2/3/20
I'm kicking the work week off right getting things done first thing and then moving between buildings to get even more things done.  At least it's nice and sunny out and I finally located our new building sign which has been over 10 years in the making.  Better late than never I suppose.

Day 35- Tuesday, 2/4/20
Basketball game #1 one for the week.  These kids on the bench work hard, have the best attitudes, and are all heart but sadly get very little play time.  Even still they are MY favorite players.

Day 36- Wednesday, 2/5/20
We have very little color in our yard these days but the tree behind the pool is at least showing some and attracting humming birds.  Next month I'm sure the rest will be in full bloom as well.  Then there is this teen boy and his checkered Vans which all the rage right now.  He and many of his friends have these black ones and Tyler has some red ones.  When he's not in these he's in his basketball shoes.

Day 37- Thursday, 2/6/20
Basketball game #2 for the week at McClatchy High School, our biggest rival. I like their old style gym.  There's only one more week of basketball left.

Day 38- Friday, 2/7/20
I like how the morning sun shines through the winter grass at work and later at home I like the new crosswalks they finally put in for the school kids in our neighborhood. This must be the year to get things done because it too took over 10 years to happen.  We were asking for them back when my grown children were in grade school.  It's about time and really needed on this busy, fast-traffic road.

Day 39- Saturday, 2/8/20
While I was out shopping to restock the fridge and pantry John was out picking up Chinese pork buns (bao).  He misses these from the city but recently was told of a local place to try and it his new weekend thing to do.

Day 40- Sunday, 2/9/20
What are the college kids up to?  Justin took over Humboldt's Instagram account this week.  A school photographer took some great pictures of him on campus to get him started and then he posted his own pictures about his job, clubs, favorite places and whatnot.  He did a good job and enjoyed it a lot.  Tyler was recently selected to go to Ecuador for spring break as part of UCLA's Global Medical Training group and these are the other kids he'll be going with.  They get together weekly for mock clinics, to practice medical Spanish words and do team building activities like this hike.  The plane tickets are purchased and he's excited about his upcoming trip happening in March.

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. What fun opportunities for Justin and Tyler! Happy almost end of basketball season!

  2. I bet you are happy to just have 1 week of basketball left! We have 3! Ugh. But it is my last basketball player, so I am trying to enjoy it. Great opportunities for your college boys!! So exciting! Hope you have a great week!
