Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Week 12

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  It is Tuesday, right?  With so many day-to-day changes and schedules turned upside down it's hard to keep track.  I hope you all are safe and finding creative way get through and maybe even enjoy this shelter-in-place time.  We had a full week last week adjusting to different levels of confinement.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 76- Monday, 3/16/20
It's a rainy, cold, and dark start to my work week.  Campus is pretty much closed expect for non-essential employees.  It's like a ghost town here but that is ok because I need to go into the lab at least 2 days a week to care for cultures and set up any critical clinical samples so the less people I run into the better. Thankfully I can work from home on neglected computer related efforts the rest of the week.  After work while checking mail it appears the 2020 census has arrived and it was super easy to log on and bang that out.

Day 77- Tuesday, 3/17/20
I did have to run into the lab today as well in prep for consolidating lab work.  There were just a few loose ends to tie up.  On my way back home I stopped by McDonald's for Shamrock shakes on this St. Patty's Day.  It was all done by drive thru as now our restaurants have been converted to take-out only.  It's so strange to see all the tables pushed aside and chairs pulled up in an effort to keep people from staying--grab and go only!

Day 78- Wednesday, 3/18/20
Thankfully Brandon's teachers are on it and have lessons planned for him all organized through google classroom which his school has been using for a few years now making this transition easy for students and teachers alike.  The art page to go with the book his English class just finished was due at midnight last night and I'm grateful for the daily workouts and worksheets his PE teacher has provided.  No word from the Math teacher about work though which seems odd.  In other news: UCLA just announced cancelled graduation that will now be virtual--exactly how does that work?  Ugh!

Day 79- Thursday, 3/19/20
When nothing seems normal right now might as well go with the flow and have breakfast for dinner plus Neapolitan ice-cream cake for dessert.  Haha!  Justin's choice as we are doing an early celebration for his upcoming birthday before he heads back to Humboldt. In other news: as things change quickly--UCLA students petition for alternatives to the virtual graduation ceremonies and the school listened so they are now polling students and asking for suggestions.  Looks like they may just postpone in person graduation to a later date.  Fingers crossed!

Day 80- Friday, 3/20/20
This is my second day working from home getting used to what I can and cannot do and what I need to look into to make it a bit easier.  We're all on shelter-in-place orders now for the whole state and not just locally by city or county as before. I sure hope this helps.  Luckily it was a beautiful day out so I did get some fresh air as I took Bella on a nice long isolated walk. In other news: Brandon's first official driving lesson was cancelled along with his dentist appointment.  Both of which will be a nightmare to find a new date for.  At least his neuro appointment was switched to a phone appointment.

Day 81- Saturday, 3/21/20
Justin is saying good-bye to Bella and us as he heads back to Humboldt where he will keep himself isolated while doing online classes and working by fielding calls and emails about IT questions.  The train and bus were mostly empty so he arrived 2 hours ahead of schedule.  It was nice to hear he was able to travel while still social distancing.  His dorm roommate is not returning so he has the room to himself and felt he could focus and be most productive there.  I get that and agree even though it's hard to see him go.  Tyler is doing that same thing in his apartment at UCLA but was just informed yesterday that his campus job is suspended until further notice.  He too is the only one left in the living space so he has a nice big apartment all to himself where he can focus and study not only for classes but also for MCATs that we are hoping don't get cancelled as well.  Ugh!  so many things up in the air.  Makes your mind race.  In other news: still working with travel insurance to get Tyler's cancelled flights to Ecuador refunded.

Day 82- Sunday, 3/22/20
I'm taking a break from cleaning and enjoying the last of the banana bread Justin made for us while he was home.  Of course I've got my beggar boy chattering below and trying to make himself seen.  Not sure exactly why he's begging for banana bread.  He usually only begs for meat. In other news: we all now have our taxes done.  The boys of course get refunds and we of course must pay out.

Wait!  One more:

March's Family Photo

We're happy to be able to include Justin this month right before he leaves us again.

OK!  All done.  Continue to isolate and stay safe.  We all hope the end to this pandemic happens soon.

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