Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Week 24

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Last week was a very full and productive week and now we can hopefully look forward to a fun summer with a full house.  We're going to try to at least go camping since the parks are opening back up and of course continue to enjoy our backyard and pool in the heat plus all the boys are tying to find work and further their studies.  Let summer being!

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 160- Monday, 6/8/20
  It can't be summer without some corn on the cob.  We had oven roasted chicken and some corn on the cob for dinner tonight.

Day 161- Tuesday 6/9/20
Finally! I ordered this puzzle back in March when the quarantine started and just got it today of course as SIP has been lifted and work activities are now ramping up.

Day 162- Wednesday, 6/10/20
He finished the last of his finals today so we put up the yard sign.  It was also used in a shout-out video clip we were asked to submit for our student which was fun to do especially since the younger kids could be involved. Unfortunately they can't join us to celebrate with Tyler in a couple days.

Day 163- Thursday, 6/11/20
I had a zoom meeting today and was the first one there so here I am waiting for everyone else to show up.  LOL!  Then after I finished with my remote work it was time to pack for our trip to LA which made the pets nervous. They don't like seeing suitcases coming out because they know it means we're leaving them and Rusty just couldn't deal--head plant!  They will be happy to discover tomorrow that the boys are staying home with them.

Day 164- Friday, 6/12/20
It's Tyler's official college graduation day and we made the long drive down to celebrate with him and help him pack up to move home.  Not the way we envisioned this moment but we made the most of it just the same complete with a delivered sushi feast and champagne toast enjoyed among moving boxes. Congrats Tyler!

Day 165- Saturday, 6/13/20
Another long day loading everything up, cleaning the apartment and hauling everything home.  He's happy to be back and we're happy to have him at least for a bit.  Covid-19 completely derailed all his lined up job opportunities so time to re-group.

Day 166- Sunday, 6/14/20
It was so nice to have one more weekend day where we could actually relax before heading back to work after such an exhausting quick trip to LA and back.  We were calling it our extraction mission.  Now the brothers 3 are back together again enjoying some Ben & Jerry's and a night-time brawl in the pool.  It's been awhile since we've seen all their swim towels out at once.

Whew!  That's it.  See you next week hopefully with more summer fun in the books.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Congrats to the college grad Tyler! It is a weird year to graduate! We had one graduate from college and one from high school. Very different. Hope things work out for him! Enjoy that full house!
