Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Week 23

Welcome back and happy Tuesday! For the most part all the looting and violent activities have settled down thanks to curfews which has also allowed the more peaceful marches and protests to shine. Hopefully we continue to work at improving our relationships and mindset in this country for the greater good. The weather here seems to be in a pattern of a few really hots days mid week and then much cooler weekend days sometimes with added crazy wind. We all wish the hotter days would happen over the weekend instead so we could play in the pool and be outdoors more. It's that time of year when you really need to check the news to find out what the weather is up to so you can dress accordingly and hopefully temps will even out soon so we can just enjoy our summer. It is June after all!

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 153- Monday, 6/1/20
Here we go starting June and who thought we'd still be dealing with trying to escape COVID-19.  Slowly things are reopening.  Next up hair salons, gyms, daycare centers, and some attractions but at reduced levels and with many precautions to prevent a second surge. Justin was kind enough to pose with my monthly marker and he did finally hear this week from his college that he will be able to return to campus with housing for the fall.  We're not exactly sure what that will look like yet but at least we know he can go.  They were one of the only Cal State schools that was granted this ability because of their low case incidence and their heavily used learn-by-doing style of teaching which obviously does not work well remotely.

Day 154- Tuesday, 6/2/20
Finally! Brandon has had his driving permit for 3 months now and is just now able to take his first official lesson required to actually make the permit active. He had to wear gloves, a mask and have his temperature taken but it's all good--I'm glad they are being careful. Also today because the riots and looting have still been bad our city joined many others in setting a curfew until further notice.  Unreal times indeed.

Day 155- Wednesday, 6/3/20
Today was Brandon's last day of 10th grade and it's over 100 out so we decided to make popsicles with various juices and drinks we had in the house to celebrate. Yum!

Day 156- Thursday, 6/4/20
Yay!- He can drive out around town now and not just in parking lots and deserted industrial warehouse roads.   He needs to clock some serious driving hours to make up for lost time.  Today he drove us home from dropping off his high school books.  They were give appointment times for this to help with social distancing but even so he was able to see some of his friends for the first time in over 3 months.

Day 157- Friday, 6/5/20
Today was a much cooler day so after work I curled up to watch some TV under a blanket and dozed off for a short nap.  When I woke up I found this cute critter had joined me.  Later Brandon's basketball coach messaged him to say he had left team pictures at the door.  I wondered if we were ever go to get these.  Basketball seems like forever ago now.  LOL! Oh yeah and the curfew has been lifted for the weekend.  Now let's hope it can stay that way.

Day 158- Saturday, 6/6/20
Here is something we are not ready to see--the start of fire season in California especially on a windy day.  There's a fire about 40 miles west of us and the wind today brought the smoke right into our valley slightly covering the sun which cast this orange glow all over.  It was a bit eerie and I could smell it too as I took Bella for her evening walk.  On a lighter note it's the maiden voyage of my new kicks.  The old ones after 5+ years finally broke with a hole so it was time for a new pair.

Day 159- Sunday, 6/7/20
This morning I was working in the home office paying bills and doing stuff on the computer.  Bella likes to keep me company in here but she also likes to see what else is going on in the rest of the house so she positions her self accordingly. After I was done there I had Brandon drive me to the store so we could pick up a couple things for dinner.  He'll be my chauffeur for the next few months to practice his driving and I'm ok with that.  It's good to see him getting out of the house.

That's it!  See you next week as we start to enjoy having a full house again.  Tyler is coming home after he graduates Friday.  Those college year sure do fly by fast!


  1. Yeah for having everyone home soon! I hope the peaceful protests continue so the curfew can be lifted and positive change can happen. My youngest is doing driver's ed (online) right now and will do his driver's ed driving later this summer. It is nice to have another driver. I make him take me everywhere (we really don't go anywhere though, besides the store:) Hope you have a good week and that those fires don't get worse! you have had enough of those!

  2. Happy end of the school year to Brandon!! I really hope these protests and our increase in wanting to learn brings change!!
