Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Week 29

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  Last week was a fun week with some good family time.  It's hard to believe we only have Justin with us for a few more weeks before he heads back to school so I'm glad we could take a small trip together, and I hope we can do a few more fun things before he leaves.
Otherwise same old, same old.  This pandemic doesn't allow for very much summer adventure to happen but we're still trying to make the most of it.

Take a look at last week's pictures:

Day 195- Monday, 7/13/20
Justin is the only one cooking dinner this week since we're going away and he decided on pancakes and sausage.  He's big on breakfast for dinner and we're all fine with that. 

Day 196- Tuesday, 7/14/20
More pretty flowers brought to work.  The early morning sun always hits them just right as I'm showing up for the day.

Day 197- Wednesday, 7/15/20
This afternoon we traveled to Half Moon Bay just south of San Francisco for a quick getaway.  We went from 100 degree temps where we live to highs in the mid 60's but found it refreshing.  We're staying walking distance to the ocean in this house on the golf course near the Ritz Carlton.  It's perfect, spacious, and not as over-priced as the Ritz which we have to walk past to see those ocean views.

Day 198- Thursday, 7/16/20
Today we hiked to 2 different beaches on this amazing coastline. We also enjoyed some of the local food places by ordering takeout or delivery. Both the pizza place from last night and the brew pub from today were great choices.  The last picture was taken on a third trip out to the beach as we tried to catch the sunset but it was too cloudy to see it at all.  Guess we'll have to come back again for another try and maybe a round of golf.  Love those coastal flowers carpeting the clifftops. 

Day 199- Friday, 7/17/20
It's time to say good-bye to the coast and head home.  I wish we could stay longer but since we can't really do too much more than we already did because of COVID restrictions we decided 2 nights was enough.  The last time we were in Half Moon Bay was over 10 years ago and this tunnel was being built which was a huge undertaking so it was fun to be able to drive through it all complete now.

Day 200- Saturday, 7/18/20
We're home and enjoying the weekend.  This is the new fan I bought last week that John put up in our home office and it's a godsend especially after coming home to this heat and needing to get some things done in here.

Day 201- Sunday, 7/19/20
Typical Sunday evening right after dinner with the boys doing dishes and John lacing up to walk the dog.  She's already over by the door waiting for him.  LOL!  Our trip was fun but it's always great to be home.

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. So glad you had a beautiful getaway! ceiling fans really do make a world of difference, even with ac!

  2. What a beautiful place to go! How nice to get away even for a few days! We love breakfast for dinner at our house too. Hope you have a great week!
