Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Week 31

Welcome Back and happy Tuesday! Also welcome to August. It's a busy month with a couple kids starting back to school soon--so many questions with a lot of uncertainty and new rules. We'll just have to see how it all plays out and until then we'll enjoy the rest of our free time together trying to make the most of it.

Here are last week's pictures:

Day 209- Monday, 7/27/20
When your almost 16 year old peeks out from his bed cave to show you the long forgotten friend he found in the dark crevices below and your heart swells.  I could tell it still has sentimental meaning to him, and it was so sweet when he remarked how it seems much smaller than he remembers--Nope! He's just way bigger!  It went with him everywhere when he was little and as he was first learning to talk we'd ask it's name and he'd simply say, "Yellow".  Then as he grew to understand names better it became "Buttercup".  He didn't remember the Yellow part but did remember Buttercup and even though the quality is not the best I was happy to find an old photo of him with it in the same bed cave.💛 

Day 210- Tuesday, 7/28/20
Here's to outside therapy during a remote work day.  It's hard being on the computer all day and helps to take small breaks outside--for real!

Day 211- Wednesday, 7/29/20
Wednesday at work as I move to different buildings here and there I'm greeted by a lot of these fun flyers with mask reminders.  At home for dinner Tyler cooked us a dish he perfected in college--mac and cheese with bacon.  Yum!  We had leftover chicken and ham to go with it as well.

Day 212- Thursday, 7/30/20
Must be dinnertime or at least that's what Bella thinks.  Her amazing internal clock never fails.  For dinner she had kibble and we had steak fajitas made by Brandon.  Looks like a MasterChef Jr kitchen right here.

Day 213- Friday, 7/31/20
Happy 16th Birthday Brandon!  Of course it was a low key celebration given the current times but we still enjoyed ourselves.  Bella was walking around with the balloon clipped to her collar as Brandon opened presents and we ate ice-cream cake.  Not sure when his actual driving test will be for his license since they aren't even offering new appointments yet.  I'm thinking he will be lucky if it's before November.  Oh well--not like he has anywhere to drive to anyway.

Day 214- Saturday, 8/1/20
Enjoying a nice summer drink on this nice summer evening while posing with the monthly marker.  Cheers to a new month!

Day 215- Sunday, 8/2/20
It's a slow Sunday so I'm catching up on some mending.  This is Justin's favorite sweatshirt that needs a simple repair before he heads back to school.  See Bella eyeing me on the left side?  She's ready for a walk and knows it's my turn so walk we did to and through the park.  Thank goodness for the shade trees helping shield us from the scorching sun.  These trees were just baby twigs when we first moved here and thankfully they grew nice and big to help fill out the park and make walks bearable on hot summer days.

That's it!  Thanks for stopping by and see you next week.


  1. Lots of yummy food at your house! Happy birthday to Brandon! Loved the recreated picture--same blanket too! That is awesome! Hope you all stay cool and safe and healthy!

  2. So sweet Brandon found his stuffed dog! Hope he had a great bday - 16 - wow!!!
