Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Week 40

Welcome back and happy Tuesday!  It's a crazy day here because it's demo day for our upstairs bathrooms.  Time to finish renovations inside the house.  It won't be fun living through it but it will be worth it in the end and shouldn't be as bad as the kitchen and floor renovations.  Wish us luck!

Until then here are last week's pictures:

Day 272- Monday, 9/28/20

I found these subtle signs of fall on campus at work and then at home I noticed my roses just started to bloom again.  They went dormant during the extreme heat and are now giving me one last hoorah before fall really sets in.

Day 273- Tuesday, 9/29/20

Sadly most of our week will look like this in terms of air quality.  Here we go again with the orange/red sun and hazy skies.  Hopefully by end of week they will have the fires more in control and we can start to breathe again.

Day 274- Wednesday, 9/30/20
The boys and I went in for our flu shots today.  Both Tyler and I are required to get them for work. While at Target I asked what I should pick up for dinner and Tyler offered to make us his Mac and Cheese dish.  Score!

Day 275- Thursday, 10/1/20

Welcome to October!  We're sick of the heat and ready for fall to kick in.  It will be more like an Indian Summer for us as usual but we don't mind that either.  I found this leaf in our pool for a photo challenge prompt and brought it inside for a different picture plus ended up using it in the monthly marker shot with Bella. 

Day 276- Friday, 10/2/20

Someone is happy it's Friday especially since he's got some Ben and Jerry's to enjoy for dessert.

Day 277- Saturday, 10/3/20

We had a nice slow start to the day.  I'm an early riser so usually the only one up with me first thing is the cat.  Then we headed out and spent the rest of the day buying materials for our bath remodel.  Thankfully we found most of what we need and then were able to order the rest online.

Day 278- Sunday, 10/4/20

Today we picked up the tile order. It took us 2 trips plus one of them is not available here anymore so we'll have to drive to Rocklin to get it sometime next week.  Later John was able to watch some football while grilling dinner and I made some Cheddar Bay biscuits to go with the meal. 

That's it for this week!  Hope to see you again next week.


  1. Beautiful yellow rose! Good luck with the remodel!! Your biscuits look yummy! Flu shots are on our list for next week. Hope your air gets cleared up soon! Have a great week!
