Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Week 41

Happy Tuesday and welcome back!  We actually had a decent air-quality week last week with much cooler temps and my PG&E bill will be much better for it.  It's so nice to be able to open windows again and take in some cooler fresher air.  In addition we survived week 1 of the remodel--only 4 more to go.  Ugh!  I'm just trying to think of how nice it will be in the end and convince myself, my family, and my pets that it will all be worth it.  As a result you will see that family members are scarce in this post as they hold up in their own private space trying to avoid the chaos.

At any rate here are last week's pictures:

Day 279- Monday, 10/5/20

I took this shot for a photo challenge about word art inspiration and it's also very fitting as a reminder to help us get through the start of this week where demolition will be happening around us.  We'll need to find our own little places to retreat and be able to relax at the end of each crazy day.

Day 280- Tuesday, 10/6/20

Today was a big demo day that will finish up tomorrow.  It was a very loud and messy day but we can't have a fresh start without first getting rid of the old and tired past.  The pets have to be confined to designated spaces and they are not a fan but are making the best of it.  Rusty first hid behind a trash can in this room for a few hours and then decided he might be more comfortable hiding behind the blanket on the comfy couch where he could just sleep through the ordeal. 

Day 281- Wednesday, 10/7/20

Our ballots came earlier this week so today I spent some time going through mine after work and then took it to a drop place inside our Nugget store.  Please be sure to vote!

Day 282- Thursday, 10/8/20

Our new soaker tub has arrived, was unboxed, and was moved upstairs today.  Once the re-plumbing and floors are done it can be put in it's proper place. 

Day 283- Friday, 10/9/20

Another great place to retreat from the mess in our house is the beautiful outdoors.  I was happy to take Bella for a nice long walk during the golden hour today and just take in the crisp fall air.  Getting back to nature is always a good way to find peace and a good way to end a full and messy week.  Thank goodness the better air-quality is allowing us to do that once again.

Day 284- Saturday, 10/10/20

LOL!  They are happy to be free to roam the house today and not be locked up.  Weekends will be what they live for right now.  Not sure why Rusty decided to take over Bella's bed.  He's lucky she's too nice to do anything about it.  Later I gathered some pinecones from our yard for another photo challenge prompt about fall.

Day 285- Sunday, 10/11/20

Speaking of fall--it's time to make some pumpkin bread.  I'll be sending a small loaf to Justin in care package with a few other fall treats and then the rest will be for us to enjoy.  This last shot also has a spooky fall feel.  It's how our bedroom looks after dark with the plastic hanging up to help to keep the dusty mess from the bathroom construction out of our sleeping space.  Good night all!  

That's it!  Have a good week and see you next time hopefully with pictures of more progress and less destruction.


  1. Demo is always chaotic!! That tub looks so nice - it'll make it all worth it!

  2. Demo is never fun! Keep the end in mind! Love all your photo challenges. Where do you get those? Glad you have some cleaner air and cooler temps! Love pumpkin bread! We have made pumpkin pancakes, waffles and bars so far. Going to do some muffins and bread this next week. Love pumpkin! Have a great week!

    1. I'm doing a class with Tracey Clark called Picture Fall and another one with her next month which is Picture Gratitude I think. I like how she pushes us to really think about our shots and who wouldn't love a fall theme?
