Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Week 45

Welcome back and happy Tuesday! Last week was a full, busy, and exhausting week but ended on a good note. This country has a lot of work to do in order to heal but thankfully we took a step in the right direction. I do feel optimistic about our future and I hope we can all be more united in working to better what needs to be done.  United we stand and divided we fall.

Until then, here are last week's pictures:

Day 307- Monday, 11/2/20

Back to work.  With the time change I'm showing up during lit morning hours instead of arriving in the dark but I'm not liking the how early it gets dark later in the day.  After work I packed up all the Halloween stuff and pulled out our turkey decoration.  I left all pumpkins out too that are more a symbol of fall than of spooky things.

Day 308- Tuesday, 11/3/20

I hope you all voted.  We had 4 voters in our family this year and it was a really long day that was not looking good for us. Seriously the best part of today was getting our new turbo flush toilets installed and having them be ready to use.  It's been hard especially in the middle of the night to have to go downstairs to use the only working toilet for the past 4 weeks.  We all jumped for joy when we found out we have 3 functioning toilets again.  It's the little things people!

Day 309- Wednesday, 11/4/20

I picked up my new masks that the university provided for it's employees today and gave one a try.  I like how they look and feel but they are harder for me to breathe in.  Guess I just need time to get used to them.  The other one just says UC Davis without a nod to the Vet School.  At home this afternoon I took this picture of these buds that will soon become winter flowers for a prompt about something small but mighty.

Day 310- Thursday, 11/5/20

This was a big day for Brandon!  He took his DMV drive test right after school and got his driver's license.  We celebrated by picking up dinner at Dos Coyotes to bring back and share with the rest of the family.  Hopefully he can drive himself to conditioning practice starting next week for tennis.  He's decided to take a break from basketball and head back to tennis this year and the school is just now starting sports again even though classes are remaining remote.

Day 311- Friday, 11/6/20

The temps are dropping, storms are moving in, and more trees are turning brilliant fall colors.  I'm all for that change.  And look what else has changed--they finished the bottom half or our stair update today and I love it.  Monday the whole staircase should be done.  We are seeing light a the end of the tunnel with maybe just 1 week and a couple days left for this whole remodel (minus our master closet doors which we'll be lucky to see before Christmas).

Day 312- Saturday, 11/7/20

Today was a good day and we all celebrated with a toast at dinner.  I really enjoyed seeing my children be so involved and constantly looking for updates to see which would be the next state to flip--even Brandon who is not voting age stayed fully invested.  They all learned a lot which will help them continue to be engaged and educated voters in years to come.

Day 313- Sunday, 11/8/20

I needed this fall photo for another prompt but barely got out their in time before the sun went down.  I happens so quick these days and we're now back to walking the dog in the dark.  Ugh! Later after her walk in the dark Bella was very attentive watching Brandon work in the kitchen.  She hates the new floors where she slips and slides so always parks herself here at the corner of the rug begging for food and treats that might come from someone, anyone the kitchen.

That's it!  See you next week.


  1. It was a crazy week with a happy note! So fun that 2/3 of the boys could vote!!
    And now a 3rd driver - I remember when he was still in elementary school!!

  2. It was a crazy week! We had 5 voters in our house and so happy with the future! Hope we can come together and be united and heal some wounds! Love all your pictures! Yeah for a new driver! It is soooo nice not to have to always be taxi mom! Have a great week!
