Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Week 48

Happy Tuesday!  I hope everyone had a great holiday and stayed as safe as possible.  It was a good week here with a lot of yummy food and family fun.  Now on to the next great holiday as we start December and prepare for Christmas.  I have so much to do and work is crazy this time of year, but I'm trying to take it all in stride and not stress too much.  At least COVID is keeping the rest of my life more simple--no basketball season in the midst of December craziness.  Can't say I miss that.

At any rate, here are last week's pictures:

Day 328- Monday, 11/23/20

I walked Bella this evening during the golden hour over a bed of golden leaves.  It's cold but calm out and the sun feels good.  The second shot was a photo challenge about a small holiday detail.  We traditionally pick up these See's chocolate turkeys to place at the Thanksgiving table for the boys each year.  Three turkeys for three boys, and they still look forward to them even as emerging adults.

Day 329- Tuesday, 11/24/20

The shower glass went in yesterday but we had to wait 24 hrs before we could finally use our new and improved master bath shower, so today was they day and everyone gave it a try with rave reviews.  LOL!  Now we wait on the closet doors which will still be 3-5 more weeks!  I guess COVID hit their factory hard and they are playing catch up so we're not totally done just yet.  In other news, with all the boys home we are watching season 2 of the Mandalorian together and loving it.  The third picture was another photo challenge picture about fine China so I took a shot of the China we use for the holidays that was passed down to me.

Day 330- Wednesday, 11/25/20

Today is a prep day for tomorrow.  I made the brine for the turkey to soak in and the cornbread for the stuffing while Justin worked on a pumpkin pie.  Later I also made our traditional cranberry orange muffins we'll reheat for breakfast tomorrow and marveled at how good Justin's pie turned out.

Day 331- Thursday, 11/26/20

Happy Turkey Day!  Even in this crazy year there are still so many blessings to be thankful for, and I am most thankful to have everyone here to join us for this amazing feast. John did a wonderful job as usual with the turkey and a ham plus pulled the stuffing together.  Then after we rested for a bit to let all that wonderful food settle we enjoyed pie--pumpkin, apple & boysenberry--YUM!

Day 332- Friday, 11/27/20

I had to run into work today because my cultures don't take holiday breaks and needed to be fed, but it was a quick trip in and I was happy to take the 5 flights of stairs up and down to help me burn off some of that food I ate too much of yesterday.  Later we continued watching a new Netflix series we started over this fall break that continues the Karate Kid story following them and their families as adults.  It's actually better than I thought it would be with some good humor and throwback music.

Day 333- Saturday, 11/28/20

It's a road trip day back to Humboldt for this kid.  We arrived just in time for lunch at the new In-N-Out and we were both really hungry for something other than turkey so it hit the spot even though we had to eat in the car for safety reasons.  Since Justin left the county over break he is now required to quarantine in a new room for 14 days and made out!  This place is beautiful.  He has a whole apartment to himself, and the living area has the best windows with the best view.  I'm not sure he'll want to go back to his original room after this.  The view there looks out to a staircase. Haha!  We'll see him again for winter break in a few weeks.

Day 334- Sunday, 11/29/20

I'm not sure where these huge leaves are coming from but we have a bunch that were blown into our front entryway, and this one really caught my eye because of how the afternoon light was bringing out it's little details.  It won't be long before all the leaves are gone and winter sets in. December is just a couple days away.  My how time flies, and with the colder, near-freezing temps our cat is a pro at seeking out the best sun spots and just planting himself there to soak it all in.

Wait!  One more:

November's Family Photo

Of course this was taken just as we gathered for Thanksgiving dinner.  It was a great meal to share with the family and we are happy to have so many good leftovers--the best part of Thanksgiving 😉

OK, all done!  See you next week as we start to decorate for the joy of Christmas.


  1. Love all your photo challenge pictures. I remember seeing those chocolate turkeys every year. What a fun tradition! What a beautiful view Justin has! Glad you were able to have everyone home for Thanksgiving! I hear things are getting worse in CA, you take care and stay safe and healthy!!!

  2. Yay new bathroom!!
    Love the chocolate turkey tradition. Looks like a tasty feast. Hope Justin has a good end of semester.

  3. I loved reading this. It isn't hard to still enjoy yourself even though we are in the middle of a pandemic.
    We are back in a lockdown so things are quiet.
